Four Palestinians injured in Kafr Qaddum in March


QALQILIYA (Ma) – At least four Palestinians were shot and wounded, while dozens of others were suffocated by tear gas while Israeli forces repressed the weekly Kafr Qaddum march in the district. Qalqiliya, north of the West Bank.Kafr Qaddum local committee coordinator Murad Ishteiwi said the march began this week in commemoration of the 14th anniversary of the death of Palestinian President Ybader Arafat.

He added that Israeli forces attacked Kafr Qaddum, climbed the roofs of houses and flooded protesters with steel balls covered with rubber and cans of tear gas.

Ishteiwi said dozens of protesters were inhaled with tear gas, including Minister Walid Assaf, head of the National Committee of Resistance Wall and Colonies.

Clashes erupted between Palestinian youth and Israeli soldiers, during which Palestinians reacted to empty bullets and Israeli bullets. Residents of Kafr Qaddum began organizing weekly protests in 2011 against the confiscation of Israeli land and closure of the southern village road by Israeli forces. The road, which has been closed for 14 years, is the main road leading to the nearby city of Nablus, the nearest economic center. The Israeli army blocked the road after expanding the illegal Israeli settlement of Kedumim in 2003 , forcing villagers to take a bypbad to get to Nablus, which extended travel time to Nablus from 15 minutes to 40 minutes, according to the Israeli rights group B & # 39; B'Tselem.
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