From Jerusalem there is no money for "Eurovision" Despite the fact that Minister of Culture Miri Regev wants to organize "Eurovision-2019" in Jerusalem, most likely, his desire not to be destined to be it.


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. In any case, according to Deputy Minister Michael Oren.

While visiting Malta, he appeared on local television, claiming that the capital "did not have the means and the opportunities" to hold events of this magnitude.

Recall that initially, in the race for the right to conduct the Song Contest, with the exception of Jerusalem, was followed by three cities: Eilat, Tel Aviv and Haifa. This week, the Broadcasting Corporation, "Kan" informed the mayor of the last city that they do not have time to submit any documents for the event.

Among the remaining candidates, Oren thinks the organizers will stay in Tel Aviv, which he calls "the most likely option". According to him, on the one hand, the city has sufficient funds to host the "Eurovision-2019", and on the other hand, it will prevent the provocative situations that would occur if a competition was organized in Jerusalem.

As far as we know, the Municipality of Tel Aviv is proposing to hold a pop event on the fairgrounds, the second largest pavilion accommodating up to 10,000 people.


About the author [19659009] Jan Hartman

Jan Hartman has been a reporter at the news desk since 2013. Before that, she wrote about young teens and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal correspondent for the Metro office.
Before joining The Sivertelegram, Jan Hartman worked as a personal editor at the Village Voice and as a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella.

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