From Russia to Iran via Turkey, all is well


The world may be tense and upset, but in the world of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, there is nothing here to see.

After the Helsinki summit between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mattis was not invited, but Mattis said it did not affect him.

"I spoke immediately after the Helsinki summit, the chief of staff and the national security adviser called me, I would not say immediately." Mattis has told reporters Friday that he was standing on the steps of the entrance to the river pending the arrival of the Oman Minister of Foreign Affairs.

there was no political change that came out of it. "


" Did the President ask you to start working with Russia on the ground in Syria, militarily? "asked a reporter.

"No," Mattis categorically said in what would have been the first of two Q & A sessions with the Pentagon press corps that day.

Later in the Pentagon Correspondent Corridor, Mattis continued to insist nothing the President did or said changed his Syri e or elsewhere

"My job is to destroy ISIS and to make sure we set up a local security force, train them so that ISIS can not get back. "
The discussion on the resettlement of refugees in Syria, he said, is a humanitarian mission." You will have to ask the state department. It's USAID and the state that will deal with these problems, "he said.

What about the Trump Threat? that Iran "suffers consequences of which few people have suffered before," should it still threaten the United States, did it involve a change of military posture in the Persian Gulf?

" Nothing. Nothing has changed, "said Mattis." We are working very closely, as you know, with the 5th Combined Fleet. "

At the present time, he said, the American, Kuwaiti, Bahraini, Saudi and Emirati vessels are conducting routine patrols. "Nothing has changed for us," he insisted.

Of course, the fact that Turkey Ally with NATO ally for not releasing US pastor strains relations between Turkey and the US After all, Trump threatens sanctions, accusing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of

"We had no impact on US-Turkish relations, military operations at this time. We continue to work very closely together, "said Mattis.

What about the Congress threat to suspend the sale of F-35 to Turkey?

" No Effect ", has insisted Mattis. "As I said, we had no problem."

And the second scheduled meeting of Trump with Putin?

"I've always been in favor, in fact, promoted the idea that we are talking to each other, "Mattis said." It is very important to discuss with the countries with which we have the most disagreements. I mean that's how you fix those disagreements. "

Does North Korea really dismantle its missile production plant?

" My wallet is the military domain. I'd rather talk about what I'm responsible for, "says Mattis when it comes to diplomacy.

"Use the State Department," he said. "That's what I call when I have questions, and I encourage you to do the same."

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