Gabbay accuses Lapid of betraying IDF soldiers


Labor President Avi Gabbay on Monday accused Yair Lapid, leader of Yesh Atid, of betraying IDF soldiers in light of his party's intention to vote in favor of the IDF bill
in first reading at the Knesset later in the day.

"That's what surrender looks like, that's what betrayal looks like against our soldiers, and that's what a party that has gone through on the other side looks like," Gabbay said. of the weekly meeting of the faction of the Zionist Union.

  Avi Gabbay at the Union Zionist faction meeting, Monday (Photo: Yoav Dudkevitch)

Avi Gabbay at the Union Zionist faction meeting, Monday (Photo: Yoav Dudkevitch)

The project of IDF law, which provides for cuts in yeshivot budgets and the use of economic incentives to put pressure on Torah study institutions to encourage the & #hal budgets budgets budgets budgets budgets budgets afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin afin Enlistment, but no criminal penalties, has been approved
by the government Sunday.

The ultra-Orthodox parties threatened to vote against the Knesset bill on Monday, while Lapid's opposition faction intends to vote in favor of the law.

The enrollment goals, as stated in the proposal, are that 3,000 Yeshivas students will be recruited in the first stage and 600 will volunteer for the national service. The plan will benefit from an adjustment period of two years, during which sanctions will not be imposed if the yeshivot fail to meet the preliminary rates. The third year yeshivot who do not encourage enlistment will be hit with economic sanctions if they fall below a target of 95%.

"Today," said Gabbay, "we will see Yesh Atid's surrender to the Knesset after panicking public opinion polls and ceasing to believe that our side could win. chose to move on the other side, to give up our values ​​and our opinions.

"It's a party that says if you can not win them, join them. A party is taking our voices, seeking to change the government, and simply handing them over to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. I sincerely ask, what happened? You lost a few seats in the polls, so you went back? Betray the voters and the entire public, "he added

" It is our duty to tell the truth: not a single Haredian person who did not enlist yesterday will be hired tomorrow because of this law. But until that happens, it is our duty to ensure that those who enlist, those who serve, those who have contributed, are rewarded with an appropriate salary rather than a fee. of insulting subsistence. "I ask our friends in Yesh Atid to recalculate their route and vote against this crazy agreement," Gabbay said. & # 39; s side, not on the other side. "

  Yair Lapid at Ynet Studio, Monday (Photo: Eli Segal)

Yair Lapid at Ynet Studio, Monday (Photo: Eli Segal)

Lapid responds to Gabbay's accusations at the fair Yesh Atid meeting of action, saying that the Zionist Union was embarrbading.

"It is basically a Yesh Atid law of the previous Knesset, but this time it has was signed by both the Israeli army and the Chief of Staff. That's why we will vote, for the value of the IDF's enlistment, "he said.

" Yesh Atid will not do politics when it's about Such an important question. I understand that our friends in opposition have decided to turn the vote into a motion of censure to embarrbad us. They do not embarrbad us. They are only embarrbading.

"I do not vote for the government," said Lapid. "It's a bad government that has to leave, but I'm voting for good and proper laws, because that's my job as a member of the Knesset and as an alternative leader." in Israel. "

Earlier Monday, in an interview with the Ynet studio, the bill was good and criticized another minister of the previous government, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who drafted the law proposed by Yesh Atid. with him.

"This bill was born from our victory in the High Court," Lapid said in his interview.

"We now have a bill very similar to that drafted by Yesh Atid under the previous government, but this time with the signature of the Chief of Staff and IDF, the changes are minor", he continued.

When asked if, as the leader of the opposition party, he should work to overthrow the Netanyahu government instead of saving him, Lapid replies, "No one in this country understands this anymore. what does national responsibility mean? The more Haredim is written, the more Haredim will join the labor market … You should know that this law would not have brought down the government … It is absurd to suggest that. "

   (Photo: Eli Segal)

(Photo: Eli Segal)

The leader of Yesh Atid also reiterated that the amendment does include criminal sanctions.

" There are criminal penalties in this bill. If they do not reach the target after three years, the sanctions will be automatically activated and people will go to jail. The escape from military service would also lead to prison, "Lapid claimed.

Lapid was also asked to worry that the lay public would feel betrayed or try to aspire to the religious sector.

"It's nonsense," he replied. "We've been in this battle for six years. We all know the details, know how to work with him … this bill is ours and the signatures of the IDF and the chief of staff only validate the moral position of the bill, "he exclaimed. the Knesset MP


"If I was sucking, would I have appealed to the High Court and made all that noise?" Lapid continued. "We are the most consistent party here, the claims that I'm joining Netanyahu are exaggerated, I have not talked to him for months, I have not coordinated with him, and I do not speak at his desk." , he concluded.

Justice Minister Shaed responded to Lapid's claims that the current bill is almost identical to the one he wrote with her in the last term.

"The statement that the new bill is his is a total lie I have never met a politician who lies so brazenly.

" This lie has a purpose, the journalists and The politicians. Everyone was aware of the argument I had with MK Lapid and Ofer Shelah under the previous government. I begged to include only the economic sanctions in the amendment since I thought it would be the right thing and they had refused, "continued Shaked.

 Lapid and Shaked. "I've never met a politician who lies so brazenly" (Photos: Eli Segal, Idan Arbeli)

Lapid and Shaked. "I have never met a politician who lies so brazenly" (Photos: Eli Segal, Idan Arbeli)

"In this bill, power is in the hands of the Minister of Defense, by contrast I am surprised that he did not have the guts to say, "I changed the opinion." The current amendment to the bill, the Minister of Justice says that she is satisfied with it.

"The amendment is good, it corresponds to the current reality, no one thinks that it is possible to write the haredim and he won We have to tell the truth, but it is better to draft this bill in cooperation with the Haredi rather than go against them, which would only reduce the number of those who are drafted that is, "she concludes.

Former Knesset member Yohanan Plesner, president of the Israel Institute of Democracy, called Lapid not to support the bill

"This bill is a lite version of the Tal law There are positive aspects, like the focus on increasing recruitment goals, but the targets are really low and there are no effective and reliable mechanisms to apply them. important to which we should pay attention is whether the bill would affect the model of conscription in the future, if we could continue with this military model, "exclaimed the l 39; former legislator.

  Ex-MP Yohanan Plesner urges Lapid not to support the bill. (Photo: Yossi Zeliger)

Former MP Yohanan Plesner asks Lapid not to support the bill [Photo: Yossi Zeliger]

The bill, an amendment to defense service law by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, has undergone innumerable changes in recent years.

Israel's defense service law expires in September after the High Court ruled it unconstitutional, and the Knesset must adopt an alternative law by that date.

Immediately after the approval of the bill at first reading, the state should seek an extension of the High Court in order to complete the finalization of the legislation and obtain final approval of the amendment of the law in second and third reading.

The Ministerial Committee on Legislation led by Justice Minister Shaked met on Monday morning to approve the outline and prepare them for the Knesset vote.

Yesh Atid was strongly attacked by the opposition on Sunday because of his support for the bill which, in his view, will not bring real equality. The members of the Zionist Union even visited the homes of Yesh Atid deputies to convince them to withdraw their support.

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