Gal Gadot denounces the American policy of separation of children


Israeli actress Gal Gadot, along with other Jews, expressed their anger at the US policy of separating children from their parents once they arrived at the border.

Taking on Instagram on Saturday, the Wonder Woman star wrote, "This picture breaks my heart … Can you imagine how this little girl feels? How scared she is ..?" Everything is wrong with this picture .. #childrenbelongwith theirparparents. "

The message came as a result of protests across the United States, which attracted tens of thousands of people who want to see the Trump administration put an end to some immigration policies.

The White House has put in place a "zero tolerance" policy of separation of children and migrant parents arriving together at the US-Mexico border, before Trump announces the US stop United, means that more than 2,000 children remain separated from their families.

Gadot also shares a message written by Patty Jenkins, who currently directs her in Wonder Woman's sequel, on her Twitter account, which says: "Trying to make our movie today, but Gal and I more in addition distracted by the fact that there is not an aggressive and quick effort to reunite these children with their parents, "wrote Jenkins." What kind of people stand on the path of such a thing? # The children are with their parents. "

Gadot was not the only Jewish celebrity to express his concern." The Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman wrote on her Instagram account: "We need more than one order from judge to end this crisis – we need the action of this Administration and this Congress to reunite all children with their families as soon as possible.

Amy Schumer took part in a march in New York on Saturday – posing a picture of herself wearing a "Happy Warrior T-shirt." [19659004] She had already posted on her Instagram: " All families want the best for their children, we will not let @realdonaldTrump demonize immigrant families for sacrificing everything to protect their children. "

Sarah Silverman, a long-time critic of the Trump White House, said," The difference between humans and animals was that humans possess reason, now it's that animals have an instinct to take care of abandoned babies who are not theirs, and not humans. "

The difference between humans and animals was that humans possess the reason.Now, it is that animals have the instinct to take care of abandoned babies who are not theirs, and the humans

– Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) June 30, 2018

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