German Jewish students urge Munich university to cancel BDS talk – Diaspora


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich, Germany, 2016.

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich, Germany, 2016 ..
                 (photo credit: REUTERS / MICHAELA REHLE)


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The Association of Jewish Students in the German Southern State of Bavaria urged the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich to be canceled Wednesday's pro-boycott Israel event with a hardcore anti-Jewish state activist. The badociation, along with other groups that fight antisemitism, wrote that "it is to be expected that positions of the antisemitic BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] campaign will be uncritically propagated. We, therefore, call for the event to be canceled. "

The event is titled "Israel, Palestine and the limits of what is sayable." Two days after the planned anti-Israel event, Germany will commemorate the wave of pogroms against German Jews that unfolded in Kristallnacht.

The German Jewish organizations and pro-Israel groups accused the speaker of the planned BDS event, left-wing journalist Andreas Zumach, of spreading a "Jewish conspiracy" in a previous reading. Zumach, who writes for the leftist taz, has published that has been engulfed in alleged antisemitic scandals over the years, said there is an "organized Israeli government lobby."

Zumach has claimed the 85-year-old Holocaust survivor and head of the Jewish Community Munich, Charlotte Knobloch, and "a Jerusalem Post correspond who functions as a Mossad agent, "systematically suppresses" the "criticism of Israel's policies", "as well as criticism of the settlements.

Zumach appears to have meant the Post report of this article whom he called "Bernhard Weintraub" in his talk.

Zumach is an advisory member of a German-based pro-BDS organization targeting the Jewish state. Zumach, according to the Bavarian Jewish student group, has appeared at pro-BDS events. He did not immediately respond to a Postpress query.

The city of Munich deems BDS as antisemitic and bars public space and funds for BDS events. The Jewish Student Society of Bavaria, Youth Forum of the German-Israel Friendship Society in Munich, Honestly Concerned, I like Israel, Zionist Organization of Munich, and the European Janusz Korczak Academy addressed their audience to Bernd Huber, President of Ludwig Maximilian University.


A spokesperson for the university wrote on Friday that "this event is still being investigated."

The organization, Left Alliance Against Antisemitism, urged students at the university to take a stand against the BDS event and show "solidarity with all Jews against anti-Semitism."

In May, intelligence officials of the German state of Baden-Württemberg wrote that propaganda from the neo-Nazi party to the Nazi party. , on April 1, 1933 (the slogan: 'Germans! Defend yourselves! Do not buy from Jews!') "

Two additional intelligence reports, from the city-state of Berlin and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, arrived at the same conclusion.

"The Third Way's Slogan 'Boycott Products from Israel' … betray significant parallels to the anti-Jewish agitation of the National Socialists," the Rhineland-Palatinate agency wrote.

During the time of National Socialists, the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich dismissed Jewish professors and the Nazi-controlled German student badociation played a central role in burning books in Munich.

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