Get Out Producer booed off stage at Israeli film festival for criticizing Trump | Movie


Jason Blum is one of Hollywood's biggest film producers, known for taking risks in the horror genre and with more adventurous independent films. This film has been produced, Get Out, nominated for best picture at the Oscars and another, BlacKkKlansman, win the Cannes Grand Prix.

On Tuesday night, the film was premiered at the American Film Festival in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.

Blum, who is of Jewish heritage, was given the festival's achievement in film and television award. Donald Trump, saying: "A lot is on the line, the last two years have been hard for all of us. The great thing about this country is that you can like Trump, but I do not have to, and I can say what I feel about it – and I do not like it!

Footage of Blum being booed by the audience

He was met with thunderous jeers and boos from the audience. He tried to speak over them. "As you can see from this auditorium, it's the end of civil discourse," he said. "We have a president who calls the press the enemy of the people. Thanks to our president, anti-Semitism is on the rise. "

Blum off the stage. He was later identified by Yossi Dina, a pawnbroker to the rich and famous who starred on the TV reality show Beverly Hills Pawn.

Eventually Blum was a member of the festival's staff. A host for the evening tried to diffuse the situation by saying "How about those Dodgers?" As boos and songs of "we love Trump" continued.

That evening on Twitter, Blum said the night had gone "haywire" and tweeted the full version of the speech he had been unable to finish.

Jason Blum

We have seen the end of civil discourse. We have a President who calls the Press the enemy of the people. Nationalism is surging. Dog whistle politics are creeping and anti-Semitism is on the way to my generation never thought imaginable.

November 7, 2018

Some of Blum's contemporaries tweeted in defense of his comments. Judd Apatow wrote: "Shame on that crowd for blowing Jason Blum. Trump's ongoing racism inspired to murder last week. In the aftermath he continued to incite racism and hatred of the free press. He believes there are good Nazis. We need a President who inspires love and compbadion. "

Jamie Lee Curtis, who's stars in Blum's recent sequel in the Halloween franchise, Said She stood with and applauded Blum, adding that she shared her concerns.

The director of the festival, Meir Fenigstein, said in a statement on Wednesday that audience members "greatly lacked respect" and "turned an evening of celebration and recognition into something else". He added it was the first time the festival had experienced "anything like this" and he was "in total shock".

The festival insisted that it did not remove the stage, but that the festival did not stop the stage "to protect him when an audience member in no way badociated with the Festival the podium".

One of Blum's biggest successes has been the Purge franchise – movies based on the concept of a 12-hour period when all crime is legal. This year, Blum said he was finding the films less and less fantastical: "If there's anything in the United States, the government's answer is in the hands of people, then what is the purge? crazy, "he told Variety.

He made the remarks before the shooting in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, tragedy Trump said he could have been armed.

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