Google working on a fix for the Pixel 3 text message disappearing problem


A recent Pixel 3 bug was uncovered yesterday, one that is affecting text messages disappearing. It is one more bug that we can add to the already long list of issues that affect the Pixel 3, like the memory management issues, camera and gallery problems, and the Pixel 3 XL displaying more notches than it should.

Some workarounds were fairly successful at getting the text messages back. Lucky owners managed to revert to the default Messages app version, which led to the text messages reappearing. This can be done by uninstalling updates so the version of the app becomes the older version, the one which was shipped in the phone.

However, an official fix is coming soon. Google acknowledged the problem and a spokesperson said the company is committed to delivering a fix soon. “We recently discovered a bug affecting SMS/MMS on a small number of Pixel 3s and are rolling out a fix soon”, the spokesperson said. Until that happens, make sure you back up your text messages just in case, so you’re not affected by this bug.

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