Government requests High Court to extend bill for seven months


  Coalition members including PM Netanyahu, Aryeh Deri, Naftali Bennett, Eliezer Moses Gathe

Coalition members including PM Netanyahu, Aryeh Deri, Naftali Bennett, Eliezer Moses Gathe

Hadas Parush / Flash90

The government appealed to the High Court of Justice to extend the deadline for pbading the Haredi bill for another seven months in a deadlock among the haredi parties over the wording of the bill.

In 2015, the Netanyahu government amended a bill the previous year that had imposed limits on the number of full-time permanent Yeshiva students eligible for IDF postponement projects, limiting the number of years that most students would be eligible for postponements.

The 2015 law removed the limitations for full-time students, restore the status quo ante that prevails in Israel since the late 1970s

In 2017, however, the Supreme Court intervened, dismissing the aw and give the government until September 2018 to pbad a replacement. Without a new law pbaded in September, thousands of Yeshiva students could find themselves in the impossibility of renewing their annual postponements, which would make them potentially responsible for the project.

The deadline being imminent, the government desperately tried to pbad the bill. The summer session of the Knesset ends. However, the haredi factions were unable to find a common ground on the wording of the law resulting from an internal struggle for power.

Deputy Defense Minister Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan (Jewish House) hinted last week that tensions between the Haredi UTJ and Shas parties rendered the bill impossible. "It will be very difficult to prepare the law until the end of the session, if necessary, we will seek an extension to the Supreme Court," said Ben Dahan in an interview with Haredi radio Kol Barama [19459008

The Knesset approved the bill at first reading last Monday, with 63 MPs voting in favor of the legislation and 39 MPs voting against it

The bill was approved despite the haredi parties voting against, due to the fact that Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid party supported it by the opposition

The law sets recruitment targets for haredim, which increase in number each year, and imposes sanctions to yeshivas who do not achieve these recruitment goals. Another clause states that the law will be repealed if the Haredim fail to meet the recruitment targets for three consecutive years.

The haredim allowed the bill to pbad first reading, but threatened to leave the coalition if it does not undergo changes before being put to the vote in its second and third readings.

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