Half of Israeli drivers witnessed road rage last year


A poll released Sunday said that half of Israeli drivers have witnessed acts of rage over the past year, and almost all have been verbally abused or driven dangerously by aggressive drivers.

The study conducted on behalf of the non-profit group of Yarok Gold Road Safety has highlighted a high incidence of violent or verbal abuse on Israeli roads and a degree high dangerous and aggressive driving.

In recent months, the organization has reported seeing many videos of anger on the road, including broken windows, weapons, aggressive driving – sometimes in the opposite direction – other road users.

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More than 48% of drivers have been victims of road rage over the last year in some areas and up to 57% of them have been victims of road rage [19659007]. According to the study, aggressive horns, heels or cars cut other drivers in the same period.

"Violence in Israeli society has reached the roads: Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan has doubled the number of traffic police, but nothing can replace the physical presence of police in the streets, and he There is still not enough, "said Erez Kita, CEO of Yarok Gold." Aggressive and violent drivers increase the likelihood of being involved in an accident, for this reason we need to reinforce the traffic police with additional vehicles and cops. "

אלימות בכביש

שוב סרטון של אלימות בכביש שהגיע אלינו.ע"פ K ר אור ירוק עי אחדל שני נהגים ראה לפחות קטטיש בשנה האחרונה

Published by ור ירוק – Or Yarok on Sunday, July 1, 2018

Kita said that the increase in police presence would warn angry drivers to refrain from the wild driving, which endangers the lives of all others on the roads.

International studies have shown that drivers with road rage are twice as likely to be involved in an accident as other drivers. that anger and aggressive driving played a role in more than half of the country's deadliest accidents

. by the research institution Maagar Mochot

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