Hamas asks members to stop terrorism by balloon


Hamas has ordered its fighters to stop sending incendiary balloons to Israel after they have directed, organized and controlled incendiary operations in recent weeks, causing hundreds of fires in the border area from Gaza.

The terrorist group in Gaza has also made efforts to prevent others from its ranks from flying with incendiary balloons.

Tuesday, an incendiary balloon landed in front of a kindergarten
in the Regional Council of Sdot Negev. Children playing outside were not injured.

  An incendiary balloon (Photo: AFP)

An incendiary balloon (Photo: AFP)

The tactical decision of Hamas comes as a result of the strong pressure exerted by Egypt on the group terrorist In recent days, as well as messages transmitted to Gaza from other sources, the continuation of balloon terrorism could lead Israel to launch a military campaign in the Gaza Strip.

Egypt has decided to allow Hamas a few days to stop or at least significantly reduce incendiary balloons as a result of Hamas' insistence that it can not stop incendiary balloons in one go.

"Hamas can not stop the balloons because it would hurt its position vis-à-vis the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip and its own supporters, it would be perceived as a capitulation, and it must be done gradually" . in the Gaza Strip told Ynet.

At the same time, another unpredictable problem arose for the terrorist group: Hamas leaders abroad informed the leaders of Gaza that they could no longer continue to finance the "March of Return ", which is estimated already cost tens of millions of shekels. In addition to the costly organization of the protests, the funding includes the money that Hamas gives to the families of the people killed and the thousands wounded in the clashes at the border.

  Fire caused by incendiary balloon (Photo: Barak Shaham / Nature and Parks Authority)

Fire caused by incendiary balloon (Photo: Barak Shaham / Nature and Parks Administration)

Following the closure of the Kerem Shalom crossing to fuel and gas,
there has been a surge in prices in the band amid fears of an energy crisis. Sources in the Strip estimate that by Thursday, the gas supply in the Gaza Strip will be completely exhausted.

However, the Israeli announcement that the crossing of Kerem Shalom will remain closed until Sunday is intended to signal to Gaza that Israel is still ready and prefers to give a chance to calm tensions rather than to launch a new wave of violence.

Limiting the closure of the pbadage, as well as the extension that Egypt gave to Hamas to stop balloon terrorism, attest to the close coordination between Israel and Egypt in efforts to calm the situation.

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