Hamas condemns Israel's gas and fuel ban in Gaza – Arab-Israeli conflict


  A Palestinian man rides a truck carrying fruit while he arrives at Kerem Shalom in Rafah.

A Palestinian man rides a truck carrying fruit while he arrives at Kerem Shalom in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip (July 10, 2018).
(Photo credit: REUTERS)


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Hamas strongly condemned Israel's decision to stop the arrival of gas and fuel in the Gaza Strip from Tuesday to Sunday, but will continue to allow food and fuel. medicines on a case by case basis.

The announcement of some of the most severe restrictions Israel has foiled the Gaza Strip as a result of a violent weekend in which Gaza Palestinians have launched 200 rockets, mortars and deer. flying in southern Israel, injuring four people.

mainly used for the pbadage of pedestrians, but has also recently allowed the pbadage of some goods.

The closure of the border post and called a "crime against humanity," said Hamas and warned that the decision would have "serious consequences. "

Hamas spokesman Abdel Latif Kanou said the decision reflected Israel's" bad intention "and its intention to" commit more crimes against the Palestinians ".

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qbadem also denounced the decision as a "crime", claiming he was in violation of all international laws and conventions.

he said , is an expression of "political idiocy" and will not affect the struggle of the Palestinians and the will to pursue freedom.

Monday's announcement of the harshest restrictions that Israel has never imposed on the Gaza Strip after a violent weekend in which Palestinians in Gaza launched 200 rockets, mortars and kites in southern Israel, injuring four people

Israel has already stopped the flow of commercial goods to Gaza by crossing Kerem Shalom last week. fiery kites that, over the past four months, have burned thousands of acres of Israeli fields and forests.

The IDF on Monday issued a statement by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberma In the light of repeated terrorist attempts by the terrorist organization Hamas, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman decided, in agreement with the Chief of Staff, to close the Kerem Shalom terminal for fuel and gas until Sunday. The pbadage will continue to carry food and medicine that will be approved on a case-by-case basis. "

Israel also limited the fishing area of ​​Gaza to three nautical miles from six.

Palestinians warn that food will also be banned." Raed Fattouh, head of the Gaza Committee for Coordination The goods receipt in the Gaza Strip said on Monday that Israel had informed the Palestinians of its decision to completely close the Kerem Shalom border crossing with the Gaza Strip until further notice. Israeli authorities told the Palestinians that they would only allow medical supplies in the Gaza Strip "only when needed."

Kerem Shalom is Gaza's main commercial crossing point The other Israeli crossing at Erez is mainly for pedestrians, neither Erez nor the Egyptian crossing of Rafah have the capacity to respond to the commercial and humanitarian needs of Gaza.

Gaza does not than three land crossings. does not have an airport. It also lacks a seaport large enough for cargo ships to dock. Israel imposes a military blockade on Gaza's air and sea space. Thus, Gaza's only access to the outside world goes through its three terrestrial crossing points

Before the ban on fuels and gas, the UN and the EU had asked Israel to Authorize the circulation of commercial property.

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