Hamas forcing us into a wide scale and painful operation


Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Friday morning that the Hamas terror group is leaving Israel with no choice but to launch a "wide scale and painful military campaign," as incendiary kites and balloons continue to fall from Gaza on Israeli border communities.

"We are making efforts to weigh things and be responsible, but the heads of Hamas are forcefully leading us to a situation in which we have no choice. It is a broad scale and painful military operation that is not intended for show-a-wide scale and painful military operation, "he emphatically repeated.

Lieberman's comments on a backdrop of American efforts to kick-start international aid initiatives to alleviate the economic paralysis gripping the Gaza Strip on condition that Hamas renounce terror.

 Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: Avi Roccah)

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: Avi Roccah)

"Any reasonable person who sees the burned natural woodland of the dunams These are the worst conditions that are intolerable, "he said during a meeting with Gaza border residents.

"We Are Really Conductful and Responsible, Even though the Real Problem is That the Erosion of Deterrence, a Change in the Equation and, Of Course, the Feelings of Security That Is No Less Important "Lieberman Explained Lieberman Explained Lieberman Explained.

He also decried the reality of southern residents "preparing their safe rooms for an integral part of their Shabbat."

The blame, he said, is true with Hamas's leadership, "but unfortunately, the resident of Gaza will also have to pay the price. Therefore, I call on the residents of Gaza to change the direction, to change the equation. It is possible to return to a civil and reasonable reality and for economic easing (hardships-ed) in exchange for a complete cessation of terrorism and provocations on the border fence.

  (Photo: Avi Roccah)

(Photo: Avi Roccah)

Reiterating that the situation was "intolerable", Lieberman emphasized that Israel was "genuinely making efforts to show restraint" and to show responsibility. However, he added that the issue of incinerated landscape, but also maintains Israel's deterrence capabilities.

"This is obviously the most important thing … There should be no misunderstanding or illusions," he said about involvement of Hamas's higher echelons in organizing the launching of incendiary balloons and kites.

"It's not something spontaneous, it's not children, it's not a wave, it's the heads of Hamas who are leading the fires and kites and all the friction on the border," he said.

During his meeting, Lieberman was asked to share his thoughts on the local residents.
Naftali Bennett and IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, and about opposition to the army's handling of the fire terrorism.

"I do not know who you are talking about. I speak every day with the residents, with authority leaders and I have heard a single word of criticism against the army. The response to the political echelons and that is fine and even welcomed, "he responded.

"Responsibility also demands restoring a normal situation, not a reality in which a person prepares for the first time. It's unnatural and it's abnormal, "Lieberman continued.

The defense minister rebuffed the implication that the government had made an error in "accepting" the fire when it first began.

"I think that we are in the most correct way from the beginning and we are still acting in the best way. I want to remind you that when they called for provocations at the fence, there are 159 terrorists who are dead and close to 5,000 wounded. We have struck essential Hamas infrastructure … and two tunnels, "he said.

With the IDF's destruction of the two tunnels, he pointed out, Israel has frustrated between three and four years of time

"Hamas, by the way, is not sensitive to human life. On the contrary, a dead person is a shahid, a propaganda tool against Israel. It is said in the weapons manufacturing sites, in the tunnels and we are hitting those first, "he stated.

 Lieberman meets with Gaza border residents (Photo: Avi Roccah)

Lieberman meets with Gaza border residents (Photo: Avi Roccah)

At the end of last week, he continued, Israel fired 50 tons of ammunition at strategic badets belonging to Hamas, a factor which he said sent a clear message. "If it was not understood, we'll have to continue," he warned.

No one in the room, he said he was seeking "adventures", but while the defense minister once again insisted on the message of restraint, he said it was a full-throttled offensive offense. "

Lieberman also claims that Israel is opposed to Israel and Hamas, insisting that Jerusalem is" in the dark. Egyptians or the UN representative. "

The latest round of violence
Israel, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip, Gaza Strip.

Shortly after the Israeli attacked jets, two mortar shells were fired at IDF in force from southern Gaza near the border fence. No casualties were reported.

Code Red rocket alert sirens in the Eshkol Regional Council. Two mortar shells landed near a cowshed in Eshkol. The IDF is responding to a fire at Hamas observation post

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