Haredim teen attack at Bet Shemesh


The ultra-Orthodox modesty team operating in Beit Shemesh against the city's youth attempted Sunday to attack a girl while she was walking down the street wearing "shameless" clothes ".

In a video broadcast via WhatsApp, the Haredim are seen suing the teenager in Nehar HaYarden Street in Bet Shemesh. A complaint was filed with the police of Bet Shemesh and an investigation was opened on the case.

Teenager fleeing Haredim the attacker

According to one of the neighborhood residents, teenagers who left Judaism get together every night "to smoke and drink alcohol, acting in a way inappropriate to the character of the neighborhood. I did not sleep for the past month. "

The resident adds that teens are demonstratively seated along the main street – Nehar HaYarden Street – and deliberately attract attention.

" I do not encourage the Haredim's violence However, each story has two sides, "she continued.

A month ago, the modesty brigade began to operate against these teenagers, and in particular against those families of the Hasidic movement in Breslov who abandoned the path of ultra-orthodoxy.

The modesty squads asked families whose children had left Judaism to leave the neighborhood, resulting in daily clashes between the youths walking the streets with "terrifying dogs and tasers" and dozens of Haredim. .

Nehar HaYarden resident said police and activists in the City without Betents program of Bet Shemesh Municipality were called to the scene almost every night. However, they did not do anything to end the case, according to the resident.

"My staircase is a mobile emergency room, the wounded enter and exit in the ambulances, we ask the police to come and show their presence before, but they come only after being called ( when a violent incident has occurred) "she clarified.

 Teens attacked in Bet Shemesh

Teens attacked in Bet Shemesh

"Police stand helpless (trying to cope with) clashes between Haredim and teens," said the resident.

The following comments were made by the police: "The police severely view any delinquent behavior that arises in the context of conflicts based on beliefs and values ​​or on any other issue and act accordingly to enforce, investigate and exhaust the law with these involved. "

" Contrary to the allegations, all the reports given to the police concerning disturbances and / or violent altercation are greeted with the determined and uncompromising response of the police.

"Despite the reality that complaints are generally not filed in the police by the victims as they should (including the case recorded on the video), the police act to locate the people involved (in the case),

"Police have arrested a suspect involved in the incident recorded in the video, and further investigations are expected on which we can not elaborate at this stage.

"The police point out that when a report or complaint is filed as well as when there is suspicion that an individual's actions could cause trouble or harm others we act according to the power conferred on us by the law to apply and prevent offenses in order to preserve public order and ensure its security, "concluded the police.

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