Heat wave strikes Israel – National News from Israel


Tuesday will see a slight rise in temperatures, becoming warmer than usual in the interior and mountainous regions of Israel. The weather along the coast will be heavy, with 70% humidity.

Temperatures around the country will be higher than usual, between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius warmer than average in the mountains and inland.

increase by 2-3 degrees, and most parts of Israel will suffer from a heat wave, with heat overwhelming to extreme.

Around Kinneret (Sea of ​​Galilee), temperatures will reach 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit), while temperatures in Jerusalem will reach 36 (96.8) degrees (instead of the average of 30 (86.6 degrees Fahrenheit)). )). Inland and mountainous areas will experience 10 to 20% moisture. Along the coast, temperatures range between 32-34 (89.6-93.2) degrees and 50% humidity.

Thursday will experience a drop in temperatures, with an additional drop towards the weekend, bringing temperatures back to the seasonal average

Warning the public of the heat wave, the Israeli Ministry of Health called the people older people and those with chronic diseases to pay particular attention. The Ministry also warned the public not to expose to heat and sun, to avoid unnecessary physical activity, to stay as much as possible in air-conditioned areas and to stay hydrated.

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