Hebron Observer recalled after slapping Jewish boy | Jta


JERUSALEM (JTA) – The attorney of the group of observers from the Temporary International Presence in Hebron was ordered to leave Israel after slapping a 10-year-old boy in Hebron.

The observer participated in a tour of the Hebron area, inhabited by Jewish settlers led by the leftist Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence. The slap on the child's face was captured on video. It is unclear what precipitated the attack of the man on the boy.

The observer of the TIPH was recalled by the Swiss Government, the Swiss Ambbadador to Israel, Jean-Daniel Ruch, in a letter of apology to the leaders of the Jewish community D & # Hebron

"Although this was probably preceded by provocation by the settlers, the action of this TIPH member is totally unacceptable. they keep their nerves under all circumstances, "writes Ruch in the letter published on Twitter by Uri Karzen, the director of the Jewish community of Hebron.

According to the letter of apology received from the Swiss Ambbadador, this part of the Swiss delegation was recalled. pic.twitter.com/jKipMZmbhq

– Uri Karzen אורי קרזן (@UriKarzen) July 13, 2018

The Jewish community of Hebron called for the 39 ousting of the two TIPH, an international group of civilian observers with observers from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey, and Breaking the silence of Hebron [19659002About500JewsliveinHebronwhichhas40000Palestinianinhabitants

Border police officers occupying a military position near the Patriarchs' Cave in Hebron ran to a Palestinian home after hearing shouts of help. When the police arrived, they discovered that a nine-month-old baby had stopped breathing. They administered first aid until the arrival of the doctor of their unit and provided a treatment that saved the Palestinian baby and allowed him to regain consciousness. לאחר ששמעו צעקות מכיוון אחד הבתים הסמוכים לעמדת הבידוק, ניגשו למקום והבחינו בפעוט כשהוא מחוסר הכרה. הם החלו לבצע לו החייאה ראשונית עד להגעת החובש הגדודי שהמשיך בפעולות הרפואיות שהחזירו התינוק להכרה pic.twitter.com/piMyFdKixw

– משטרת ישראל (@IL_police) On July 9, 2018

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