Here are 17 ministers who have resigned from Theresa May's government


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It has been a difficult year for Theresa May. Indeed, the general elections of 2017 did not take place as planned, it was hit by a series of political tidal wave, including resignation after resignation.

Yet the prime minister has managed to cling to power, despite the loss of more than one minister per month on average since voters went to the polls 16 months ago.

In comparison, during his second term in government from May 2015 to July 2016, May's predecessor, David Cameron, lost only one member of his team – unless he counts himself of course.

Iain Duncan Smith left the firm in March 2016, claiming that he was unable to accept the planned reductions in disability benefits.

So, in case you need a reminder, here are the resignations Theresa May's government has been facing since the 2017 election.

1. Lord Bridges

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George Bridges was the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the exit of the European Union until his resignation on June 12, 2017.

He left the post after differences between May's approach to Brexit and his.

2. Lord Price

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Mark Price was the Minister of State, Trade and Investment until his resignation on September 3, 2017.

When the former president of John Lewis resigned, he said his tenure was "always limited in time".

3. Baroness Anelay

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The colleague resigned on October 27, 2017 as Minister of State for the exit of the European Union for health reasons, citing an injury she suffered in 2015.

She said she was injured at the exit of a helicopter, describing her as "a badly judged leap".

4. Michael Fallon


First big name on the list, Michael Fallon resigned from his position as Secretary of Defense during the badual harbadment scandal in Westminster.

Recognizing that his behavior had "not met expectations," he left his position on November 1, 2017.

5. Priti Patel

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Patel made a sensational resignation on November 8, 2017 as Secretary of State for International Development when it became clear that she was going to be fired and that the British media had been feverishly following her journey back to the UK as a result of an official trip to Kenya.

She had had talks with Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, without first informing the Foreign Ministry – a flagrant violation of the protocol.

6. Damien Green

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Green resigned as prime minister, essentially May's number two, after confessing to making "misleading" statements about badgraphy on computers in his office. He left the position on December 20, 2017.

7. Justine Greening

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Greening chose to resign from office on January 8, 2018 rather than accept the position of Secretary of State for Labor and Pensions, while she had been reclbadified from her position as Secretary of the Board. # 39; education.

8. Amber Rudd


During one of the biggest political scandals of the year, Interior Minister Amber Rudd was forced to resign when her department was exposed for expelling citizens of the Windrush generation and MPs had claimed that she "was developing her immigration policy on the foot".

She left on April 29, 2019, and an official report published this week indicated that she had been "dropped" by officials from her department.

9. Phillip Lee

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Lee resigned as Under-Secretary of State for Youth Justice on June 12, 2018 due to concerns he had about the government's Brexit policy.

In his letter of resignation, he stated that it was so that he could "speak better on behalf of my constituents and my country about the way Brexit is currently organized".

10. Greg Hands

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Hands resigned as Commerce Minister on June 25, 2018, after Parliament approved a planned expansion of Heathrow Airport, which he opposed.

11. David Davis


Davis was the first major brand to visit after May unveiled its Checkers division strategy for the implementation of Brexit.

A Brexiteer leader throughout his political career, he resigned as secretary of state at the exit of the European Union on July 8, 2018, claiming that he "did not believe" to the Prime Minister's plan.

12. Steve Baker


Baker was a member of Parliament for Davis in the Brexit Department and resigned shortly thereafter on July 8, 2018.

He claimed that it was because his department had been left out when creating the Checkers agreement and that he and Davis had been "caught off guard by this policy".

14. Boris Johnson


After the departure of Davis and Baker, everyone expected that Johnson would do the same and resign from his post as Foreign Minister – what he did the next day, July 9, 2018 .

It was expected that such an important departure at the time would lead to a serious rethink of the game of checkers, or even the overthrow of May's government, but neither of the two scenarios emerged.

15. Andrew Griffiths

Standard evening

Mr. Griffiths resigned as Minister of Small Business a few days after the resignation of Checkers on July 13, 2018.

But Griffiths' departure has nothing to do with Brexit: he left the government after Sunday Mirror revealed he had sent more than 2,000 texts, many of a badual nature, to two constituent women.

16. Guto Bebb

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May was a difficult month, after many Brexit resignations and Griffith's embarrbadment, Bebb resigned on 17 July.

He resigned as Defense Procurement Minister after voting against the bad on an amendment to the Brexiteer-sponsored Customs Bill.

17. Tracey Crouch


Just after everyone began to believe that Chancellor Philip Hammond's fall budget had created more headaches for the Labor Party than for the Conservatives, Crouch resigned his position as Sports Minister on November, 1st.

She resigned in protest after six months of delay in implementing a planned crackdown on fixed odds betting machines, which would have seen the maximum bet go from £ 100 to £ 2.

Crouch waged a fierce campaign on the subject and, when she discovered that it had been postponed until October 2019 instead of April, she chose to walk.

Honorable Mention: Lord Bates


International Development Minister Lord Bates attempted to resign after being late for a debate in the House of Lords in January.

He said at the time that he "was ashamed of not being in my place" while he should have answered questions, and then walked out of the hall when his colleagues shouted: "No!

However, No. 10 refused to accept his resignation and he still carries out his duties.

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