High schoolers from Gaza border towns march to Jerusalem


Over 100 students left the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council high school on Sunday morning to make their way to Jerusalem as part of a march to raise awareness for the ongoing high tensions on the Gaza border.

The students-sophomores, juniors and seniors-will walk to the capital, some 90 kilometers away, over the course of five days.

The teenagers, who will be joined by 15 kilometers to Kibbutz Ruhama, who is in the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council and under constant rocket fire threat.

High school students from Gaza border cities protest on march to Jerusalem (Photo: Roee Idan)

High school students from Gaza border cities protest on march to Jerusalem (Photo: Roee Idan)

The students are expected to get to the Knesset in Jerusalem on Thursday.

This is the biggest protest since the "March of Return" campaign began in late March and brought with it to a new threat to their communities: Israel in the form of balloons and kites being flown across the border of Israel, with an incendiary or explosive device tied to them.

During the weekend, protest leaders worked on planning the road, figuring out the time, and making sure they had the proper equipment and food.

The teens have the full support of their parents and will be able to help you.

High school students from Gaza border towns march past an Iron Dome battery on their way to Jerusalem. (Photo: Roee Idan)

High school students from Gaza border towns march past an Iron Dome battery on their way to Jerusalem. (Photo: Roee Idan)

The schools themselves will take part in the protest, as the Education Ministry can not, by law, encourage such a market at the expense of school time. But the teachers and school principals have already told the students they have no intention of stopping them.

"This is a protest from them, we have not stopped them," said one of the teachers.

The students prepared signs and flags for the market T-shirts with the slogan "Let us grow up in peace."

High school students from Gaza border cities leave protest on march to Jerusalem with sign saying 'Let us grow up in peace.' (Photo: Roee Idan)

High school students from Gaza border cities leave protest on march to Jerusalem with sign saying 'Let us grow up in peace.' (Photo: Roee Idan)

"Enough of the current security situation," said Roei Rahaf from Kibbutz Mefalsim, a senior at the Shaar HaNegev Regional High School. "Since we were born, we have been living in the world, we want to grow up on the Gaza border in peace. the Knesset: "This is a journey to raise awareness of what's going on here, on the Gaza border, to tell our story, of the teenagers who deal with the difficult security situation."

Much like any modern protesters, the protesters will be on Instagram and Facebook pages, where they will post photos and videos from the market.

Meanwhile, students from the Nofei HaBsor High School at the Eshkol Regional Council Protected at the entrance to the educational facility as a sign of solidarity with the market.

Several adult protesters blocked the Kerem Shalom border crossing on Sunday morning, preventing trucks from entering the Gaza Strip.

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