Hotshot Hollywood Producer’s Anti-Trump Rant Backfires When Crowd Revolts


Despite what many in the entertainment industry seem to think, people are tired of politics being brought into every possible arena of life. Hollywood producer Jason Blum found this out after he bizarrely chose to use a film festival as a forum for spouting his anti-Trump opinions.

On Tuesday, Blum, who is the founder of Blumhouse Productions and has produced for critically acclaimed movies such as “Get Out” and “Whiplash,” was given an award at the Israel Film Festival in Beverly Hills.

The Israeli Film Festival is sponsored by the Adelson Foundation, established by billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who has been a strong supporter of President Donald Trump.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, during Blum’s acceptance speech, he took the opportunity to go on a rant against the president.

“Tonight we have much to celebrate with the opening of the 32nd Israeli Film Festival, but at the same time today, Americans went to the polls to exercise our right to vote,” Blum said.

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“I have been quietly checking my phone and we’re doing pretty well,” he continued, to which some audience members responded, “Depends for who.”

“The election results are pouring in as I speak, and a lot is on the line,” Blum said.  “The great thing about this country is that you can like Trump, but I don’t have to, and I can say what I feel about it — and I don’t like it!”

But many people in the audience weren’t pleased with his anti-Trump remarks or his injection of politics into what was meant to be a celebration of film. Some started walking out, while many of those who stayed booed as Blum continued his irrelevant tirade.

As heard in the video, one voice called out to him in reminder, “It’s a film festival!”

Watch: Jason Blum was booed and physically removed from the Israel Film Festival stage after making controversial political statements about Trump

— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) November 7, 2018

Blum carried on with his political speech as the audience whistled and booed louder and more people walked out.

U w forcefully removed by Security! Shame on u! I w there!This w not a political Rally it w a Film Awards Event! I am embarrbaded to call U a fellow Jew! Get used 2 us electing @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in 2020! #KAG I AM ????✡️ I like @jamieleecurtis & agree 2 disagree politically

— Dr.Estella Sneider (@DrEstella) November 7, 2018

“As you can see from this auditorium, it’s the end of civil discourse,” he went on. “We have a president who calls the press the enemy of the people. Thanks to our president, anti-Semitism is on the rise.”

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Blum had to leave the stage with a security escort as some audience members tried to pull him away from the podium.

Are you tired of hearing political tirades from Hollywood celebrities?

He was wrong to cite the audience’s reaction as “the end of civil discourse.” If he had been speaking at a political rally, that’s one thing. But he was appearing at a film festival as a movie producer accepting an award. How does that have anything to do with politics?

The audience had just as much of a right to exercise their freedom of speech as he did. Despite maybe wanting to, Blum couldn’t control their reaction to what he said — he could only control what he said.

He likely was expecting a warmer welcome for his anti-Trump sermon. Too bad for him that many people are exasperated with being lectured to by Hollywood hotshots.

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