How did the Twitter "purge" affect Israelis?


In the past 30 days, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lost nearly 30,000 followers on Twitter.

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Since Twitter announced this month that it would remove millions of fake accounts, many users have lost tens or even millions of followers. So how did the most famous Israelis behave on Twitter?

The most popular Israelis on Twitter – the superstar Gal Gadot – came out pretty well. Since the start of the Twitter purge, Gadot has lost about 12,000 subscribers, a drop in the bucket of its almost 2 million fans on Twitter. In fact, over the last 30 days, Gadot has been found with a net gain of 20,000 followers despite slaughter.

Netanyahu, the second most popular Israeli on Twitter, has seen more success, but not serious. about 2% of its 1.3 million followers.

Supermodel Bar Refaeli, which uses its Twitter account almost exclusively to link to Instagram photos, has lost nearly 37,000 subscribers in the past 30 days; Nearly 4% of his fans are over a million on Twitter.

Another Israeli with significant social media attention is comedian Guri Alfi, who has lost more than 17,000 followers in the past 30 days; A little over 4% of its more than 400,000 fans.

When Twitter announced the move early this month, he noted that "most people will see a change of four followers or less; The reason for the decision, she says, was that people could "trust the numbers [of followers] to be meaningful and accurate.

Where are all these false accounts? comes from? There are many companies that sell fake followers to those who want to increase their numbers. But robot accounts can track whoever they choose, and often follow a wide variety of people in an effort to look more realistic. False accounts also exist for many reasons besides inflating follower accounts, and it's impossible to be sure of their purpose. Twitter's recent purge is also far from exhaustive. he noted that he was specifically targeting the accounts of the social media giant stuck because of a suspicious activity.

According to several media, nearly 15% of all Twitter accounts are likely to be false. In an article on Gizmodo earlier this year, the co-founder of TwitterAudit says he believes that 40-60% of all accounts could be bots.

Overall, many particularly popular accounts have seen significant recent declines. Former US President Barack Obama lost nearly 2.4 million subscribers in the space of one day early in the month, although he still counts more than 100 millions of fans on Twitter. President Donald Trump, a particularly active user on the platform, saw his number of followers drop by 400,000, but he still won overall in the last 30 days and rises to over 53 million. while Katy Perry has dropped nearly 3 million, and Justin Bieber has seen a loss of about 2.7 million followers.

In Israel, the majority of popular Twitter accounts belong to journalists and politicians. The most followed after Netanyahu is Amit Segal of Channel 2, which has seen a fall of nearly 17,000 in the last 30 days, or more than 4% of its subscribers. Channel Ten's Alon Ben-David lost more than 10,000 subscribers, while Raviv Drucker lost just under 10,000.

Zionist syndicate Shelly Yacimovich saw nearly 9,000 missing last month and Naftali Bennett, a leader of Bayit Yehudi. In the same period.

One thing is for sure: if Twitter continues to delete fake accounts, spam or robots, these numbers will probably continue to fall.

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