How the recent expansion of Israeli settlements jeopardizes the peace process

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Bulldozers outside the village of Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank on 04 July 2018. (Photo: Issam Rimawi / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)

On July 4, bulldozers showed up at the small Bedouin town located along a central highway in the West Bank and, without a building permit, extremely hard to obtain for non-Israelis, the city was condemned as illegal, however, permits were granted to Israeli settlements, where plans for other houses were approved just this year.

Although the city is small, its location is paramount to a solution of two states: to allow the inhabitants of Khan al-Ahmar to fight for their homes, they have become the center of an international debate on the future of Israeli-Palestinian peace, which makes it difficult to establishment of a Palestinian state contiguous process 19659003] In 2016, maps revealing the rise of Israeli settlements in the West Bank shocked President Obama. While the official peace talks between Israel and Palestine collapsed in 2014, Obama continued to urge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to curb settlement construction because it threatened the potential of the Palestinian Authority. a Palestinian state and therefore a two-state solution. But since the election of Prime Minister Netanyahu in 2009, 17 new Israeli outposts have been established in the West Bank, 11 have been retroactively legalized to become settlements and another 35 outposts are in various stages of legalization. The maps showed that due to the recent expansion, 60% of the West Bank was now banned from Palestinian development.

The remaining lands show groups of Palestinian communities, isolated from each other as islands. There is no geographical continuity to help the economy or allow freedom of movement, let alone act as a framework for a future state. Frank Lowenstein, the head of the State Department who badembled the cards, told the New Yorker: "One day, everyone will wake up and leave," Wait a minute, we have to stop this to at least have two In response to this information, one of Obama's latest actions as president was to abstain rather than veto – as the United States had done in the past – a United Nations Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal. the stop of the building. The abstention of Obama allowed the resolution to pbad, but its effect was not long-lasting. President Trump tweeted after the announcement, "As for the United States, things will be different after January 20." While the Trump administration was moving to the White House, Israel did not follow the Security Council's warning. Instead, they have increased their plans.

After President Trump took office, settlement plans were removed from the freeze, said Brian Reeves, development director of Peace Now, an Israeli NGO that has been monitoring settlements since the early 1990s. Reeves says "These are all plans that Israel would have never started before 2016." All plans, he says, "deal with the growing expansion of settlements and the goal of De facto annexation of the West Bank ".

Peace Now reported that in 2017, the building grew by 17% over the annual average of the last decade. In addition, offers reached a two-decade high. Calls for tenders are one of the last key steps in the planning process for major projects initiated by the government. They are the government's call for proposals for rights to build the project. After choosing an offer, authorization is the last step before construction. Reeves says it will be two or three years before we are faced with construction initiated by last year 's tender calls.

Reeves points to the lack of deterrence of the United States as a key factor in the current escalation of building approvals. Although President Trump did not come out in favor of the settlements, he also did not make a formal condemnation. However, his choice for Israel's ambbadador, David Friedman, personally helped raise funds for a settlement in the West Bank. Instead, the conviction fell to US Senators and Congressmen who sent letters to Prime Minister Netanyahu for the defense of Khan al-Ahmar and another Palestinian village. In a letter signed by 10 senators in 2017, they wrote about the high stakes of the proposed demolitions: "Your government's efforts to forcibly evict entire Palestinian communities and expand settlements not only imperil a two-state solution , but we

On July 6, the Supreme Court of Israel granted a brief respite to the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, the inhabitants claiming this time a retroactive legalization. Peace Now conducted a study to show that 99% of Israel's time in the West Bank for Israeli settlers and not Palestinians, more than 4,000 Palestinian structures have already been demolished since 2009.

While Reeves considers settlements as one of the main obstacles to peace, he says, "Our judgment is that we are not at a point of no return." This point will come when politics and the economy the total cost of the division of the land into two states becomes too high. While expansion is a problem because it continues to cut off Palestinian communities from each other, Reeves also highlights the population. Since 2009, the number of Israeli settlers in the West Bank has increased by 100,000 and the rate of population growth of settlers is twice as high in Israel. He says: "If there are one million settlers instead of 400,000 in the West Bank, we would have to pay a lot to leave: the thing is too expensive."

Cards do not predict when this point of No return will occur. They only show what has already happened from a bird's eye view. From this height, a small vanished town may seem inconsequential. But, as the Israeli Supreme Court considers the fate of Khan al-Ahmar, it is clear that the peace process has reached a turning point.


Bulldozers outside the village of Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank on July 04, 2018. (Photo: Issam Rimawi / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)

On July 4, bulldozers showed up at the small Bedouin City of a central highway in the West Bank, without a building permit, extremely difficult to obtain for non-Israelis, the city was sentenced as illegal, but within one kilometer of there, permits were granted to the Israeli settlements.

Although the city is small, its location is essential for a two-state solution, because of its central location, its demolition would allow the encroachment of settlements, what would make it a While the inhabitants of Khan al-Ahmar are fighting for their homes, they have become the center of an international debate on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

2016, the developer cards the increase Israeli settlements in the West Bank shocked President Obama. While the official peace talks between Israel and Palestine collapsed in 2014, Obama continued to urge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to curb settlement construction because it threatened the potential of the Palestinian Authority. a Palestinian state and therefore a two-state solution. But since the election of Prime Minister Netanyahu in 2009, 17 new Israeli outposts have been established in the West Bank, 11 have been retroactively legalized to become settlements and another 35 outposts are in various stages of legalization. The maps showed that due to the recent expansion, 60% of the West Bank was now banned from Palestinian development.

The rest of the land shows groups of Palestinian communities, isolated from each other as islands. There is no geographical continuity to help the economy or allow freedom of movement, let alone act as a framework for a future state. Frank Lowenstein, the head of the State Department who badembled the cards, told the New Yorker: "One day, everyone will wake up and leave," Wait a minute, we have to stop this to at least have two In response to this information, one of Obama's latest actions as president was to abstain rather than veto – as the United States had done in the past – a United Nations Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal. the stop of the building. The abstention of Obama allowed the resolution to pbad, but its effect was not long-lasting. President Trump tweeted after the announcement, "As for the United States, things will be different after January 20." While the Trump administration was moving to the White House, Israel did not follow the Security Council's warning. Instead, they have increased their plans.

After President Trump came to power, settlement plans were removed from the freeze, says Brian Reeves, director of development at Peace Now, an Israeli NGO that has been monitoring settlements since the early 1990s. Reeves says, "These are all plans that Israel would have never started before 2016." All plans, he says, "deal with the growing expansion of settlements and the". objective of de facto annexation of the West Bank ".

Peace Now reported that in 2017, the building grew by 17% over the annual average of the last decade. In addition, offers reached a two-decade high. Calls for tenders are one of the last key steps in the planning process for major projects initiated by the government. They are the government's call for proposals for rights to build the project. After choosing an offer, authorization is the last step before construction. Reeves says it will be two or three years before we are faced with construction initiated by last year 's tender calls.

Reeves points to the lack of deterrence of the United States as a key factor in the current escalation of building approvals. Although President Trump did not come out in favor of the settlements, he also did not make a formal condemnation. However, his choice for Israel's ambbadador, David Friedman, personally helped raise funds for a settlement in the West Bank. Instead, the conviction fell to US Senators and Congressmen who sent letters to Prime Minister Netanyahu for the defense of Khan al-Ahmar and another Palestinian village. In a letter signed by 10 senators in 2017, they wrote about the high stakes of the proposed demolitions: "Your government's efforts to forcibly evict entire Palestinian communities and expand settlements not only imperil a two-state solution , but we

On July 6, the Supreme Court of Israel granted a brief respite to the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, the inhabitants claiming this time a retroactive legalization. Peace Now conducted a study to show that 99% of Israel's time in the West Bank for Israeli settlers and not Palestinians, more than 4,000 Palestinian structures have already been demolished since 2009.

While Reeves considers settlements as one of the main obstacles to peace, he says, "Our judgment is that we are not at a point of no return." This point will come when politics and the economy the total cost of the division of the land into two states becomes too high. While expansion is a problem because it continues to cut off Palestinian communities from each other, Reeves also highlights the population. Since 2009, the number of Israeli settlers in the West Bank has increased by 100,000 and the rate of population growth of settlers is twice as high in Israel. He says: "If there are one million settlers instead of 400,000 in the West Bank, we would have to pay a lot to leave: the thing is too expensive."

Cards do not predict when this point of No return will occur. They only show what has already happened from a bird's eye view. From this height, a small vanished town may seem inconsequential. But, as the Israeli Supreme Court considers the fate of Khan al-Ahmar, it is clear that the peace process has reached a turning point.

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