‘I moved the embassy – and I’m anti-Semitic?’


US President Donald Trump rejected charges that he had any responsibility for the murderous anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh and noted that he had just received a plaque from the prime minister of Israel thanking him for moving the US embbady to Jerusalem.

In an interview with Laura Ingraham on Fox News, Trump added that, along with the fact that his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka are Jews, “I just a received an award from the state of Israel from Bibi Netanyahu, thanking me because I moved the embbady to Jerusalem, making Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and I just did that – now, how many presidents said they were going to do it and never did it?”

Ingraham asked Trump how he responds to the journalist who said on CNN that he has “radicalized more people than ISIS.”

“That must be some kind of a sick woman,” he responded.

Trump noted that the synagogue shooter opposed him politically. As for the man who sent the bombs to various Democratic figures, Trump said, “He was insane a long time before. Look at his medical records. He was insane for a long time.”

Trump will visit the site of the attack in Pittsburgh on Tuesday and will also speak with the hospitalized security forces wounded in the shooting.

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