"I should be the next Minister of Defense"


The fires that raged along the border with Gaza triggered a small political conflagration this week – with Education Minister Naftali Bennett at his point of contact.

Bennett tries to find a complete solution for the incendiary wave killer of terror. His seemingly tense exchange on this issue with the chief of staff – General Gadi Eizenkot – during a Cabinet meeting, was leaked to the press. The flight itself then became a political issue.

Bennett is angry at what he calls "tendentious leaks". "Anyone wishing to silence my point of view uses the simplest trick and flees," he told us in an exclusive interview for Besheva magazine. "The fugitive had a direct interest and he did something very serious: the person who wanted to flee tried to hurt me as well as the chief of staff but he failed because the good relations between us are in Cabinet Ministers undergo a voluntary polygraph test, and we are waiting for its approval and instructions, it is a scourge that needs to be cured, I want to be able to conduct a Cabinet discussion without any. I'm told every minute that I said it or "

Do you really think the ministers will be willing to undergo a lie detector test?

" We have announced that we are ready to endure it, on our own initiative. We must not submit to it – its position is clear: we must stop leaks from the Cabinet.

Despite leaks, Bennett is clear on what he thinks it should do in Gaza

. "There are two approaches here," he explained. "There is the approach that says that since the balloons have not killed anyone so far, it should not be considered terrorism and it should be contained, I think they are terrorists and that we must fire them and eliminate them.I was saying from the outset that an energetic action at the very beginning of this terror [wave] would have extinguished the case before it spread: if you do not shoot at three terrorist squads, you get a thousand "

Bennett believes that there is a deeper question at the root of the debate, regarding what constitutes moral behavior.

" There is an approach that derives from Western morality, which postulates that there must be a proportionality between what Hamas does for us and what we do to them ", he told us." Europeans complain that we have put an end to the events at the border with 64 [Gazan] dead, and they say that it is immor I totally disagree with this approach. Jewish morality is very clear: – When someone approaches you to kill him – kill him first. They are terrorists and they need to be eliminated, I find the same question, with regard to morality, strange. "

What do you think we should do?

We must work according to a plan for the unilateral demilitarization of Gaza, with a lot of careful planning, I have proposed a plan, that I obviously can not expose, it embodies a very different approach from the currently accepted one.I lobby for this, with the correct action, we can avoid civilian and military casualties, or at least reduce them considerably. "

Does your plan include the possibility of evacuating Gaza Strip residents for a period of time?

"I have not excluded any option that could lead to the defeat of Hamas and the preservation of the lives of our citizens."

Can Your Plan Prevent the Need for a Military Campaign?

"I hope that with the smooth running of acti on, we will be able to avoid total war.We were mistaken when we accepted this terror incendiary, and they understood that the restriction was a green light … I will continue to fight for the more aggressive approach, which considers explosive kites and incendiary balloons as terrorists. "

" Even now, there is a way to defeat Hamas with sophistication, not necessarily with the standard approach that involves armored divisions entering Gaza.There are other ways. "

Bennett wants that the public realizes that the Likud is trying to minimize the influence of the Jewish House. "In the last two election campaigns, Netanyahu tried to leave us out [of the government] or use us as a fifth wheel with small portfolios If Netanyahu is able to form a coalition based on the right and religious parties without us in the future, all our achievements will disappear. That's why we must aspire to be stronger, to aspire to 15 seats in the Knesset. Only many seats in the Knesset will allow us to continue our work and to take the Defense portfolio, because it is important to deal with these matters and place under our aegis the IDF Civil Administration, which is not functioning. correctly.

You had a significant success with the portfolio of education. You do not want to stay there?

"What we did at the Ministry of Education was nothing short of a revolution: if everything worked properly in the fields of defense and the military, then it would be a good thing. establishment, I would be very happy to continue in the Ministry of Education, but this is not the case: in order to create a real breakthrough in colonization and defense, I must be the next minister of the Defense of the State of Israel and the right spirit must be brought back to the defense The civil administration – where the jurists continue to interfere with the settlement business – has to be treated once and for all … To reach a million inhabitants in Judea and Samaria, there is no choice but to hold the defense portfolio. "[19659020] (function () {
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