IDF attacks Hamas TV station in West Bank and arresting employees


The IDF attacked a Hamas-affiliated television station in the West Bank on Monday morning, arresting workers and confiscating broadcasting equipment.

In total, 20 people were arrested in night operations.

The army said it had arrested four Palestinians suspected of inciting their work on Al-Quds television, which was set earlier this month as a terrorist organization.

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The four people arrested were named by the Palestinian news website Wafa as station chief Ala Rimawi and three independent journalists, Sami Ulwan, Husni Injbad and Qutaibah Hamdan. Wafa also said that the army had seized their cars and their personal computers

The Israeli army has closed in recent years a number of TV and radio stations operating in the West Bank on suspicion of 39, incitement and links with terrorist groups. have repeatedly spoken of the threat of incitement in the Palestinian media, while Palestinian television programs are cited in Shin Bet terror interrogations as sources of inspiration.

Posted by سامي مشتهى

Posted by سامي مشتهى On Monday, July 30, 2018

The military also stated to have arrested a group of students from Hebron University suspected of forming a Hamas cell and inciting others to commit terrorist attacks. During the operation, the army confiscated propaganda materials. In addition, security forces arrested five Palestinians in Qalqilya, suspected of Hamas activities and involved in terrorist operations in recent months

. in three places. The army said that they were scattered using crowd control methods

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