IDF attacks the West Bank terrorist city that stabbed an Israeli settler


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reportedly attacked early Saturday morning the village of Kobar in the West Bank, the home of a terrorist who had stabbed an Israeli settler the day before.

According to Palestinian media, the Israelis' army entered for the second time but provided no further details on the activities. The IDF still had to make comments

Immediately after the knife attack Friday, the IDF said it had raided the village to interrogate family members of the attacker and to have suspended their permits working.

broke out during the raid between Palestinian youth and soldiers. "The rioters threw large rocks and incendiary bombs and burned tires on the (Israeli) troops, who fought back by means of riot dispersal," according to a statement from the army

. photographer said, although the army had established a checkpoint on the outskirts of the village.

Palestinian Official Press Agency Wafa stated that three people were arrested.

Yotam Ovadia, 31, succumbed to injuries at the hospital on Friday morning after being seriously injured when 17-year-old Mohammed Tarek Dar Yusuf broke into Adam's colony and stabbed them. pbadersby with a knife before being shot. He left a wife, Tal and two children, Harel and Itai.

In a rare public statement, the mayor of Kobar denounced the incident. "I believe that these operations are neither correct nor humane.I will never support killing civilians.It is unacceptable and contrary to international customs, religious and human," said Ezzrat Badwan, quoted by Times of Israel.

"His parents and siblings had nothing to do with what he was doing.They do not deserve to pay the stock price of any of the members of their families, "he said, urging the Israeli authorities not to demolish the attackers at their homes.

 Magen David Adom

A deterrent policy in which homes of Palestinian terrorists who carry out attacks against Israelis are demolished, often overnight.

Human rights groups say the measure amounts to collective punishment, families of suspects being forced to suffer. 19659002] Badwan explained that Yusuf's family was poor and would be unable to rebuild their home.

On Friday, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman gave instructions to advance the approval of 400 settlements to Adam, a small settlement just north of Jerusalem.

Colonies are a controversial issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because they are built on land owned by Israel since 1967 and claimed by the Palestinians for an independent state. [19659002] The United States, Germany and the European Union were also among those who condemned the stabbing.

"We strongly condemn this attack," said a spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry. "The survivors of the victim are our sincere condolences, we wish a speedy recovery to the wounded."

"That a Hamas spokesman calls the attack" heroic act "is despicable, especially since the attack waters once more

The European Union condemned the attack, calling it" barbaric ".

The US ambbadador to Israel, David Friedman, criticized the Palestinian Authority for not denouncing the attacks on Israel.

"My sincere prayers for all families, all life is sacred, but the premeditated murder calls for condemnation, not listening to Palestinian leaders, "he wrote on Twitter

to this report)

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