IDF crackdown in Judea and Samaria harms terrorist weapons


IDF troops operating in the city of Hebron seized an M4 badault rifle, an aircraft, on Sunday night. The Israeli army has confiscated thousands of shekels to finance Palestinian terrorism. "This activity was part of the campaign against funds used for terror," said the Israeli army.

Border policemen reported that Palestinians were trying to climb the fence and pursued it, catching one of them. a resident of the Palestinian city in his twenties. He was handed over to the Shin Bet for questioning.

The forces discovered the backpack of a child dropped by one of the infiltrators with a Carl Gustav submachine gun and a charger inside. They also found a cell phone and a wire cutter in the area

Times of Israel reported that riots broke out following IDF raids in the Palestinian town of Kafr Bidu and the neighborhood of Jerusalem. Kafr Aqab, during which dozens of residents threw stones and other objects on the troops. The soldiers responded with means of dispersal riot. In addition, Israeli forces conducting an anti-terrorist operation throughout Judea and Samaria arrested 18 Palestinians suspected of links to terrorism.

Counter TerrorismHebronJudea and Samaria Palestinian Terrorism

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