IDF spokesman for French deputies: your money finances Hamas


IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis on Tuesday warned French parliamentarians that their aid to the Gaza Strip was used to finance Hamas's terrorist organization.

"The conflict in the Middle East is not a conflict between neighbors," stressed Manelis at the Foreign Affairs Commission in Paris

"Israel fights and deals with the murderous terrorist organization Hamas, which is detrimental to women and children, and innocent civilians, including civilians living under her rule, and I know you can not stand the unfathomable cruelty of Hamas even for a day, "he said.

  Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis (Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office)

Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis (Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office)

The IDF spokesperson received support from officials of the French government. He then mentioned that the EU had already recognized Hamas as a dangerous and radical Islamist terrorist organization.

"According to the declared motto of Hamas," peace initiatives are contrary to the worldview of the movement. "My people, those who speak my language and my country, have no right to do so. exist according to Hamas, "said the spokesman.

"Imagine tomorrow by realizing that a terrorist group claims ownership of everything that is yours, considers France as theirs, and causes more and more blood, until that time. that they get what they want, "Manelis says.

The spokesman later added that Hamas leaders were also in Europe, including Zaher Birawi
and Muhammad Sawalha, whose hands are "stained with civilian blood".

According to Manelis, Iran finances the terrorist groups in Gaza: "Hamas leaders are the long arm of the terrorist organization in Tehran, the commander of the Iranian Qods force, l & # 39; The arch-terrorist Qasem Soleimani,
a mbad murderer responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide, transfers $ 100 million a year to terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip, for the sole purpose of developing military capabilities to carry out terrorist attacks. "

"Wherever Iran and Soleimani touch each other, there is death and destruction, as in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Gaza," concludes Manelis

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