In the loop: Georgia's legislator makes a donkey of himself – literally | Flagpole Magazine


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Photo Credit: Screencap via Showtime

In the middle of a summer full of hilarity political, with Georgia at the center national scene with its candidates and their guns and vans, another Georgian has set a new trough for the state.

Sunday, Sacha Baron Cohen's new draft "Who is America?", The intrepid host – who says he's "at Mossad … I mean, not at Mossad "- persuades naive Georgia Rep. Jason Spencer (R-Woodbine) to appear on the show ostensibly to learn to identify and intimidate terrorists. Spencer fails to grasp Cohen's clues that he's not what he says and continues to follow the most ridiculous instructions.

Cohen probably put his finger on the controversial Spencer through his public threat against a former representative of the black state who demanded the removal of Confederate statues and his 2016 bill banning the burqa.

The climax of the show comes when Cohen-posing as an Israeli military expert-tells him in an exaggerated emphasis that the best way to intimidate a terrorist is to threaten to make him "be considered homobadual", and that "if your butt touches them, that means that they have become …"

"Homobadual", intones the student volunteer.

Cohen then convinces Spencer to expose his back and tries to touch him with it. Spencer pulls down his pants and runs back to Cohen with his bare bad, shouting threats like, "Drop that weapon or I'll touch you with my bad!" USA! "

It is after Spencer repeatedly repeated racist insults in an effort to attract attention while being kidnapped by imaginary members of the Islamic State ]

The scene is one of the most daring satire pieces of the star Borat and "Da Ali G Show", who made career in otherwise, serious people do absurd things on camera.

Local activist and comedian actress Lisa Mende said that Cohen's performance was "a bit of guerrilla cinema," and that "the scariest is that it shows just how willingly complicit [Spencer] is false ". Do not repeat the trick "Mossad / not Mossad". (Mossad is the Israeli version of the CIA.) She continued, "Spencer is willing not to listen … critical because of a predefined belief system.

" This is even not that he is ready to be silly, but that he is willing to accept any sort of nonsense that strengthens his belief system, "she said. "He is willing to believe that the greatest fear of the terrorist is to be touched by a man and become weird.It is a deliberate ignorance to put aside your intelligence and to foster your fundamental beliefs that do not are not based on reality. "

Still, Spencer may have the last laugh while he resists calls from the Georgia political establishment to resign. after four terms. He says that he will serve the last five months of his term.

Perhaps not coincidentally, Georgia's legislators receive lifelong subsidized health care if they serve at least eight full years.

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