In the midst of the fear of a global reaction, the Likud weighs the nixing bill on "exclusively Jewish" communities


Likud's ruling party, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is reportedly considering a clause in the nation-state bill that would allow the establishment of "Jewish only" communities for reasons of international backlash

is intended to consecrate the Jewish character of the state by declaring it "the national homeland of the Jewish people" and by establishing its "unique" right to self-determination.

More specifically, the clause that caused unease among politicians and legal advisers states that "the state may allow a community of people of the same religion or nationality to maintain an exclusive community."

Expressing concern in a letter of reprimand, President Reuven Rivlin explained that the clause "would essentially establish residential communities that exclude Sephardic Jews, ultra-Orthodox, Druze, LGBT people. "

" Is this what the Zionis questioned?

Likud lawmakers are considering amending the text of Clause 7b so as not to prevent members of other ethnic groups from settling in Jewish communities.

 Samuel HABTAB (AFP)

According to Haaretz the alternative would read as follows: "the state of Israel considers itself determined to the resolution of the League of Nations which supported a dense Jewish settlement in areas under its jurisdiction.The reshuffle would be based on a document establishing the British Mandate in Palestine that encouraged Jewish immigration.

This apparent easing of the language should avoid international criticism, said a senior Likud official Haaretz

Rivlin on the previous day called on the Israeli parliamentary committee to "look at Israeli society and ask: in the name of Zionist vision, are we ready to claim that men and women are discriminated against and excluded from their ethnic origin? "

State Attorney Avichai Mandelblit said:" There is no gap for such a clause in its current form, "Rivlin added.This article could harm the Jewish people and to Jews all over the world and to Israel, and could even be used by our enemies as a weapon. "

Knesset Legal Counsel, Eyal Yinon, and Deputy Attorney General Ran Nizri, who put warned against international ramifications

Yinon, in a letter to the chairman of the bill's committee, said: "this departs considerably from the delicate balances required" and added that "we have not found no equivalence in the world. "

 Abir Sultan (Pool / AFP / Dossier)

In Yinon's view, the clause could lead the High Court of Justice to overturn the bill and therefore urged lawmakers "not to pbad the"

Government coalition enters are currently fiercely discussing two other controversial aspects of the so-called "nation-state" bill: an article that reduces the status of the Arabic language from "official" to "special". an article that gives Jewish jurisprudence jurisprudence in cases where it does not exist in Israeli law.

The nation state bill was severely criticized by leftist politicians and activists in Israel. unnecessary legislation. Its whole purpose is gain for Netanyahu at the expense of Arab citizens and Israeli democracy, "said Tamar Zandberg, leader of the leftist Meretz party

The national bill was sponsored by Likud member Avi Dichter in 2014 pbaded its first audition in May, 64 votes for and 50 against. A number of versions of the legislation were drafted by right-wing politicians, but none succeeded through the three readings to become law.

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