International observer allegedly cut the tires of the Jewish Hebron car – Israel News


  Downtown Hebron

Downtown Hebron.
(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)


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A staff member of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron was caught in the act of baggage of a car belonging to a resident of the Jewish community of Hebron.

The incident, which occurred a year ago, was announced Monday evening. Channel 2 based on the information of the lawyer Itamar Ben-Gvir, who represents the owner of the car, Elad Pas.

Ben-Gvir gave pictures of a private security video showing the TIPH worker near the car. plans to sue TIPH and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its support for the presence of international observers in the city.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the staff member of the TIPH had left the country. He added that the staff member was not protected by immunity and that he had recommended a political investigation.

This is the second incident involving a TIPH worker published in the media this month. The TIPH has been in Hebron as a force of observation since 1997, when the Hebron agreement divided the city in two, leaving 20% ​​of the city under legal control. IDF control and the remaining 80% under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority.

Israel and the AP renew the mandate of the TIPH every six months. The Jewish community of Hebron considers it a pro-Palestinian organization and has recently called for its withdrawal.

Ben-Gvir echoed this reminder on Monday, noting that it was not enough to publish skewed reports against Israel, but now he was also attacking Jewish residents.

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