Iran calls on the World Criminal Court against the United States for the reinstatement of sanctions


  International Court of Justice. (AFP / File Photo)

International Court of Justice. (Photo / AFP)

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Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran has filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice (CIM) "Today, Iran has filed a complaint with the ICJ to hold the United States to account for its illegal reimposition of unilateral sanctions," Zarif said in an article. on his official Twitter account on Monday.

"Iran is committed to the rule of law in the face of US contempt for diplomacy and legal obligations," reads in the tweet

. Khamenei said Sunday that the European signatories of the nuclear deal with Iran should provide Tehran with the necessary guarantees for further implementation of the agreement.

"Of course, the European parties are obliged to provide the necessary guarantees regarding the JCPOA, but the country's economy should not be tied to this issue," Khamenei said.

Mike Pompeo, US secretary of state that America wanted to exert an "unprecedented financial pressure" on Tehran after the withdrawal of President Donald Trump from the nuclear deal in May.

Tehran fears sanctions will increase popular anger over deteriorating economic situation – US withdrawal contributed to worsening Iran's economic crisis and rising prices of gold and the US dollar against the Iranian currency. On Sunday, Khamenei summoned Iranian President Hbadan Rohani and his government team and demanded the establishment of an economic roadmap to deal with US sanctions

Bahram Ghasemi, spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs "

Responding to a question on whether Russia was chosen as the host country for the Iran-Israel talks, Ghasemi said:" I think that anyone who knows foreign policy and understands the principles and the positions of Iran's foreign policy will realize that these claims are not true. "

Ghasemi alluded to Trump," at some point they will call me and say let's make a deal. "

This article has been adapted from its original source.

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