Iran sends Hezbollah GPS for accurate missiles


Iran has reportedly stepped up its shipments of advanced weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon, Fox News reported on Friday, citing American and Western intelligence sources.


 According to Fox, one of the shipments arrived in Lebanon only three days ago, transporting GPS components to make unguided rockets into precision-guided missiles, increasing the threat to Israel.


An Iranian cargo plane reportedly took off from the Tehran International Airport on Tuesday at 9:33am, flying to an unknown destination. It later arrived in Damascus and then continued to Beirut, where it landed just after 2pm, Fox News said, citing flight tracker software.


File photo (Photo: IDF Spomesman's Office)

File photo (Photo: IDF Spomesman’s Office)


The next day the plane left Beirut and flew to the Qatari capital Doha, landing there just after midnight Thursday. It returned to Tehran at 6:31pm.


Last month, during his speech at the UN General Assembly,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed Hezbollah has attempted to build

an infrastructure for the conversion of surface-to-surface missiles into precision missiles near an airport in Beirut, aided by Iran.


“In Lebanon, Iran is directing Hezbollah to build secret sites to convert inaccurate projectiles into precision-guided missiles. Missiles that can target deep inside Israel within an accuracy of ten meters,” Netanyahu said.


“Hezbollah is deliberately using the innocent people of Beirut as human shields. They’ve placed three of these missile conversion sites along Beirut’s international airport,” he revealed.


In response, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hbadan Nasrallah said his organization now has “highly accurate … missiles” and that, should Israel impose a war on Lebanon, “it will face a fate and a reality it never expected on any day.”


Netanyahu later dismissed
Nasrallah’s threats, saying “If they confront us, they will suffer a crushing blow the levels of which they cannot imagine.”



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