Iran talks about saving the nuclear deal after the US withdrawal


Vienna (AFP) – Iran's top diplomats and five world powers meet on Friday as Tehran seeks badurances that it will benefit economically from the nuclear deal despite the US withdrawal from the pact .

Iranian President Hbadan Rohani told French President Emmanuel Macron that the European economic measures currently proposed do not go far enough.

million. Rouhani, who has been this week in Europe to rally support for nuclear survival, said in a phone interview. Macron says the package "does not meet all our demands," reports the Iranian news agency IRNA.

Since the shock of US President Donald Trump in May, which has dismayed all other signatories, Washington has warned other countries against trade and investment. Iran and stop buying oil from early November or face punitive measures.

The other signatories – Great Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia – have vowed to stay in agreement but seem powerless to stop The Vienna Foreign Ministers will discuss the European offer to to persuade Iran to stick to the 2015 agreement, said a European diplomat without specifying the measures to be taken. 19659007] The top diplomats of the five powers and the European Union were to join the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif from 09:00 GMT in Vienna, where the agreement was signed.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov give a "momentum" to protect the interests of economic actors.

And Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the meeting "would send a united and determined signal" to the world that the other parties "will continue to respect the agreement".

– "Crime and Aggression" –

Iranians have complained that the expected increase in foreign investment and trade after the agreement has not materialized.

Since the announcement of Trump, Iran The currency has fallen, prices have risen and the country has been hit by street protests and strikes.

Rouhani, who signed the nuclear deal, was attacked at his home by ultra-conservatives, who denounced his will He met Wednesday Yukiya Amano, head of the nuclear watchdog the UN, the IAEA, which monitors compliance with the agreement by Iran.

Rouhani told Amano that the US sanctions were a "crime". and the "aggression" that other nations should resist, according to the IRNA. "

He added that "if the other signatories, outside of the United States, can guarantee the interests of Iran, then Iran will remain in the JCPOA".

Trump in May described the nuclear deal signed by his predecessor Barack Obama as "horrible" and "defective at the base", getting applause from Iran's regional rivals, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia and Israel. The supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowed that Iran "will never tolerate both nuclear sanctions and restrictions."

US-Iranian relations are hostile since the overthrow in 1979 of the US-backed shah and the American hostage crisis

Washington considers Iran a state sponsor of terrorism, with links to Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas in the Palestinian territories. The new round of diplomacy was clouded after security services announced they had foiled an alleged plot to bomb a rally in Paris by an Iranian opposition exiled in Iraq and Yemen. group, the Mojahedin of the people of Iran.

The big rally last Saturday attracted several American politicians, including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, now Trump's staff.

Six people were arrested in Belgium, France and Germany, while the opposition group accused the Iranian regime of alleged conspiracy

One of these detainees was a diplomat attached to the Iranian Embbady in Austria. Tehran felt that it was an orchestrated scheme aimed at discrediting Iran and eclipsing Rouhani's trip to Europe, and summoned Wednesday the French and Belgian ambbadadors and the charge German businessman in protest

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