Iranian Khamenei calls for fight against "infiltration" of the enemy in the midst of computer worries


Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called on Sunday to step up efforts to combat "infiltration" of the enemy in a speech delivered to cyberdefence officials, reported state television.

"Faced with the complex practices of the enemy, our civil defense should … deal with infiltration through scientific action, accurate and up-to-date …," Ayatollah Khamenei told defense officials responsible for areas such as: cyber defense.

The TV report did not give details of "infiltration" to which Khamenei was referring.

Iranian officials have long warned against Western cultural influences through entertainment, social media and the Internet as a threat to Islamic and revolutionary values.

Ten years ago, the Iranian nuclear program was hit by the Stuxnet virus, a virus deployed by US and Israeli intelligence agencies against a uranium enrichment facility.

Gholamreza Jalali, head of the Iranian civil defense agency, said on Sunday that Iran had recently neutralized a new version of Stuxnet.

"We recently discovered a new generation of Stuxnet that included several elements and was trying to penetrate our systems," Jalali told reporters by the semi-official ISNA news agency during a press conference marking the Civil Defense Day in Iran. He did not give more details.

On October 19, Jalali said that Iran was cutting Internet access, setting up a national network while the United States imposed new sanctions in early November. possible manifestations due to further deterioration of economic conditions and life. Full story


Last updated: Sunday 28 October 2018 KSA 17h48 – GMT 14h48

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