Iran's plan to "transport $ 350 million" from Germany to Tehran sparks US anger – World News


The US ambbadador to Germany has called on Berlin to block an Iranian plan to withdraw 300 million euros ($ 350 million) from its bank accounts in Germany to compensate for the loss. impact of the new US financial sanctions deal.

This comes after Washington recently announced new sanctions against Iran and ordered all countries to stop buying Iranian oil by November and foreign companies. to stop doing business there or to face American blacklists.

According to Die Zeit, Iran wants to fly money from Germany to Tehran in order to circumvent US sanctions.

Richard Grenell, a longtime critic of the nuclear deal with Iran, told the daily Bild that the US government was extremely concerned about Tehran's money transfer plans .

"We encourage the highest levels of the German government to intervene and stop the plan," Grenell told Bild daily.

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Grenell has taken a more frank role than his predecessor since arriving in Berlin in May, criticizing what some German politicians regard as an interference in German politics.

A spokeswoman for the German Finance Ministry said on Monday that the German authorities were examining the Iranian demand. The department had no immediate comment on Grenell's remarks.

Bild reported Monday that the German authorities were considering a request by Iran to withdraw 300 million euros from bank accounts held in Germany and to transfer the money to Iran.

U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies fear that the money could be used to fund armed groups in the Middle East, but German government officials said they had no indication of such plans, reported Bild.

The Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany, is to pay the deposits of the irano-European Commercial Bank of State.

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