Is the CIA letter the reason why Najib said nothing when he was called "kleptocrat"?


MP SPEAKS | The secret letter of the admirable Najib Abdul Razak administration asking for the help of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States during the 14th general election highlights the reason why they do not have the same effect. have not protested or brought an action against the American lawyer. The public condemnation of General Jeff Sessions of the 1MDB corruption scandal at an international forum like "Kleptocracy at worst".

It was worth an international indictment of the US government telling the world that the former prime minister was the "kleptocrat". Can Najib be in Parliament tomorrow to explain why his government did not defend against the "kleptocracy at worst" by the US government last December, but five months later – five days before GE14 – sent a secret letter to the CIA seeking support against Pakatan Harapan in case the outcome of the election would have turned out to be close?

The Persatuan Patriot Kebangs aan (Patriot) described this secret letter – which was sent to the CIA on May 4 by Hasanah Abdul Hamid, Director General of the Research Division of the Prime Minister's Department – as "[19459006"traitorandtraitor"(19459006)"

Hasanah was exposed at the head of a powerful intelligence unit under the name of the Research Division, known as MEIO (Malian Organization of External Intelligence), with about 300 intelligence agents

Hasanah she referred to MEIO in her letter to the CIA

It was reported yesterday that the deposed President of South Korea, Park Geun-Hye, was sentenced to a prison term of 24 years for corruption and abuse of power, the corruption that was transmitted to Ápril

This implies that the ex-president will serve 32 years in prison.

Can the same thing happen in Malaysia?

This will be a crucial test of the rule of the w and anti-corruption political will in Malaysia.

It is relevant that the world literature on kleptocracy makes no reference to Park although Najib is quoted, as in a search for kleptocracy in Wikipedia. [19659002] The fame of Malaysia and its international position damaged by the infamy, ignominy and unfairness of Malaysia considered worldwide as a global kleptocracy

This is one of the most great challenges of the 14th legislature

LIM KIT SIANG is the deputy of Iskandar Puteri.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author / contributor and do not necessarily represent those of Malaysiakini.

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