Israel accused of igniting Arab property


The Central District Attorney's Office filed an indictment against David Sharaf, 41, of Eilat, for setting fire to the property of Israeli Arab citizens. According to the indictment, Sharaf decided to light these fires to avenge recent events
the Gaza Strip. Nevertheless, the indictment does not mention a nationalist motive.

According to the indictment, filed by lawyer Netanel Bujo, Sharaf planned to ignite the property of the Arab population. The accused also planned to burn open areas to prevent firefighters from responding to fires targeting the Arab population.

The first fire was fired on July 8 in a souvenir shop in the Old City of Jerusalem. The next day, the accused called his relative and told him that he intended to "burn the Arabs" because, according to him, "they burn our property." The parent spoke to the authorities about the conversation, and Sharaf was interrogated by the police and removed from the city of Eilat for a period of 15 days.

The next day, the accused, according to the indictment, set fire to three additional locations – a field near the IDF base in the Nahal Sorek center, an olive grove in side of a residential building in the district of East Jerusalem. and vegetation near several buildings and houses in Jerusalem.

According to the petition of arrest, "The location of the fires increases the potential damage of its actions The accused fired near a military base, a field of fire. thorns that ignites easily, and in the heart of a city "The accused poses a greater threat because of his motives: he has chosen to attack the areas adjacent to the Temple Mount and the Old City with the declared intention of stirring the public and "set up". the region ignites ", maintained the petition of arrest.

The prosecution asked the court to extend the detention of Sharaf until the end of the proceedings. The Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic noted that the nationalist clause is not mentioned in the indictment because this motive carries a double punishment for offenses punishable by less than 10 years in prison. If the offense carries a longer sentence, it does not matter if a nationalist motive exists or not.

In addition, there are certain offenses, such as the offense of inducement, which may result in double punishment if a nationalistic motive exists. In a crime of murder, having experience in terrorism can add years to grief. But for crimes with a longer sentence, like arson, it means nothing.

  An olive grove (Photo: Nbader Nuaja, Btselem)

An olive grove (Photo: Nbader Nuaja, Btselem)

The lawyer Shiran Bergman, who represents Sharaf on behalf of the Office of the Public Defender , said: "We have not yet received the investigation documents, after we have received and studied them, we will answer the court." and sent the accused to the psychiatric observation "

The Public Prosecutor's Office stated that" according to criminal law, a nationalist motive is mentioned in the section of the offense in order to double the sentence, when the offenses carry up to 10 years in prison , while the charge of fire charged to the accused is 15 years The intention of the accused to cause harm to Israeli citizens belonging to the Arab sector is explicitly mentioned in the indictment. "

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