Israel approves 20,000 new housing units in illegal Maale Adumim settlement


Illegal Israeli colonization of Maale Adumim in East Jerusalem (Twitter)

Illegal Israeli colonization of Maale Adumim in East Jerusalem (Twitter)

The Israeli government has approved the construction of more than 20,000 new housing units in the illegal Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, east of Jerusalem.

The Hebrew media reported that the approval of the new homes came after a long period of fear and political confrontation.

Sources mentioned the existence of a comprehensive development agreement between the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing and Maale Adumim Municipality to build thousands of housing units in the illegal settlement over the next few years .

According to some information, with the signing of the agreement, it will be possible to start construction work of 470 housing units, while the remaining housing units, which represent 20,000 units, are subject to the approval of political parties .

Israeli Minister of Construction and Housing, Yoav Galant, said: "We welcome the signing of the comprehensive agreement that will lead to the development and substantial increase of Maale Adumim's population."

Galant added that in addition to new housing, public buildings and institutions will be built in the illegal settlement, including synagogues, schools and Jewish children's gardens.

"We must continue to strengthen the control of the Jerusalem area from Maale Adumim east to Givat Zeev to the west, from Atarut north to the Bethlehem area and from the tomb of Rachel heading to Efrat and Gush Etzion, which are of historical, strategic and national significance ".

Maale Adumim is the third largest colony in population size, encompbading a broad strip of land within the occupied West Bank Jerusalem district. Many Israelis regard this city as an Israeli suburb of Jerusalem, while it is located in occupied Palestinian territory, in violation of international law.

According to Peace Now, a colonial watchdog, in the year and a half since President Trump took office, 14,454 units have been approved in the West Bank, more than three times the amount approved in the previous year. year and a half before his investiture (units).

Since the occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in 1967, between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis have settled in settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories in violation of international law.

The approximately 196 recognized Israeli colonies recognized by the government and scattered throughout the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.

This article has been adapted from its original source.

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