Israel calls Lanzmann's death "a huge loss to humanity" The death of Claude Lanzmann, director of documentary on the Holocaust "Shoah", represents a "huge loss to humanity," said a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry Thursday.


"Emmanuel Nahshon tells AFP

Lanzmann gave a voice to" the millions of Jews exterminated by the Nazis and allowed the world to understand the immensity of the tragedy. "

The French filmmaker and writer was best known for" Shoah "(the French and Hebrew word for the Holocaust) a documentary of more than nine hours considered by many as the most obsessive never achieved Six million Jews during the Second World War

Lanzmann died at his home in Paris at the age of 92.

The Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem published Also a statement on

"Claude Lanzmann was solely responsible for keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive in the hearts and minds of so many people around the world. His Magnum opus, Shoah, captured the horrors of this period through the personal testimonies of survivors, witnesses and executioners. It was the first time that many were confronted with the reality of the Holocaust told by those who were there. The executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky said in a statement after Lanzmann's death

"His personal dedication to commemorating the Holocaust was unprecedented, and he traveled around the world, even in his last years, to ensure the memory of the victims have never been forgotten.For this we owe him a lot of gratitude, that his memory is a blessing, "he added.


Lanzmann has never stopped working, regularly presenting films that often inspire chapters of his own life

Last year for example, he presented at the Napalm Film Festival "Napalm", on his brief but intense romance with a North Korean nurse in 1958.

But that was the 1985 version of "Shoah", which propelled it

The chronicle took 12 years in Lanzmann and consists largely of interviews with survivors and witnesses of Nazi death camps in Poland, as well as terrifying images from where the horrors took place

. of the truth, to which I deeply believe, "he said in an interview to AFP last year:" When I look at what I've done in my life, I believe that I came to represent the truth. never played with him. "

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