Israel demolishes kindergarten in Bedouin village Jabal al-Baba | New


Israeli officials destroyed a cultural center for children and women in the Bedouin village of Jabal al-Baba, in the occupied West Bank near East Jerusalem.

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On Wednesday morning, the popes community, known as part of their village is located in the Vatican property, announced the ongoing demolition. And shared video showing members of the Israeli Civil Administration, which oversees building permits in most of the occupied West Bank, reducing the structure.

Jabal al-Baba had organized a summer camp for dozens of Bedouin children living in the area.

                                                The Israeli authorities claimed that the structure was built without a permit, but many Israeli human rights and anti-occupation rarely allow building permits to Palestinians. East Jerusalem and the West Bank, while encouraging Israeli settlements in both areas.

The human rights group B & tselem argued that Israeli urban planning policies in the West Bank were aimed at preventing Palestinian development and dispossessing Palestinians of their lands. 19659004] Earlier this month, Israel attempted to demolish the neighboring Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar, located near the occupied city of Jerusalem and next to one of the largest illegal settlements in the country. Israel in the West Bank, Ma'Adumim. The destruction of Khan al-Ahmar was halted after the Israeli Supreme Court ordered a temporary freeze.

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