Israel deploys tanks and artillery in the Syrian Golan | July 2018 Global Defense Security Industry Information Army | Global defense of the 2018 security news information industry


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The Israeli army deployed several tank and artillery units on Sunday in the occupied Syrian territory by the Israelis in the Golan Heights. Merkava Assault tanks and SPH M109A5 are involved in the operation

  Israel deploys tanks and artillery in the Syrian Golan
L & # 39; Israeli army deploys tanks and artillery along the Syrian border

According to the press agency Ma'an, an army spokesman said that the Israeli forces deployment intervenes as a result of an badessment of the position of the "Northern Military Command", in light of developments on the Syrian side of the border, According to the Ynet information website, the Prime Minister Israeli Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the issue, at a cabinet meeting, stating that Israel would continue to protect its borders and continue to expand its activities. humanitarian aid, but will not allow anyone to enter Israeli territory.

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