Israel develops technology to produce electricity from living bacteria – Xinhua


JERUSALEM, July 23 (Xinhua) – Israeli researchers have developed a technology to produce hydrogen and electricity from living bacteria, published Monday by the Technion Institute of Technology, north of Haifa. the production of energy from photosynthetic bacteria called "cyanobacteria", which is common in lakes, seas and other environments.

These bacteria have developed during the evolution of photosynthetic mechanisms that allow them to produce solar energy

energy in the dark using respiratory mechanisms based on the decomposition of sugar.

Bacteria transmit energy to its chemical reaction center and break down water by creating a current of electrons and hydrogen ions.

Technion researchers have developed an energy generation system from both light and dark processes

made aware to produce electricity that is used to generate electricity. gaseous hydrogen. Hydrogen is considered the future fuel because it does not emit pollution but only water.

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