Israel eases controversial clause allowing exclusively Jewish communities – Israel News


The coalition agreed to advance on the nation-state bill, with a softened reference to the controversial clause on exclusively Jewish communities: According to the new version of the clause, the The state will encourage and reinforce Jewish colonization in a way that notes that such encouragement is the legitimate fulfillment of the Zionist vision and does not constitute undue discrimination or inequality.

The precise wording of the clause has still not been presented and will be decided during a discussion before the special committee on the nation-state bill before the vote to make advance legislation at second and third reading.

>> Israel's nation-state bill betrays the insecurity of its right to the earth

  Protesters protesting against the bill of the l & # 39; Nation-State, 14 July 2018.

Meged Gozani

The New Version, proposed by Tourism Minister Yariv Levin (Likud), is a softened version compared to the original bill, which stated that it would be legal to establish separate communities based on the 39, ethnicity or religion.

Habayit Hayehdi, on the right flank of the coalition, expresses his dissatisfaction with the clause in the bill which, if pbaded, will become a fundamental law, with constitutional weight, because it Does not clearly authorize the creation of exclusively Jewish communities. The president of the party, the Minister of Education, Naftali Bennett, would therefore be in dialogue with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the wording.

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Bennett MP, MP Bezalel Smotrich, criticized the new version as Netanyahu's capitulation: "Anyone who does not know how to protect the state of Israel through concrete action should go home. Netanyahu's and [Attorney General Avichai] Mendelblit's attempts to castrate the state's law and empty it of its practical content are one fold too many.

"The nation-state bill seeks to correct the distortion created by the draft law on human dignity and freedom, which has made Zionism a dead zone." Nyanyahu has turned back the infiltrators, folded upon it the law of the nation-state and denying the most basic Zionist values, "said Smotrich.

The coalition has worked in recent days to reach an agreement on the clause, which aims to allow the establishment of exclusively Jewish communities, and has become the target of severe public and legal criticism. President Reuven Rivlin told the special committee last week that the bill "could harm the Jewish people, Jews around the world and the state of Israel, and could be used as a weapon by our enemies ".

Mendelblit and his deputy, Raz Nizri, cautioned against any international implications of the clause if it were approved. The Knesset's legal adviser, Eyal Yinon, requested that the clause not be approved because it "allowed the radical exclusion of entire groups in the state of Israel". The chairman of the special committee on the bill, MP Amir Ohana (Likud) said: the clause does not seem good to me either.

On Saturday night, thousands of people participated in a rally to protest the bill, including human rights groups and Meretz deputies and the joint list. MP Dov Khanin (Joint List) said at the rally, "People are dying in Gaza, wounded in Sderot, and what is the Prime Minister doing?" Not trying to reach an agreement and to ensure the calm of southerners, but trying to pbad I am here to protest against a government that has no answers, and who chooses to cover that by attacking its own citizens and democratic space. "

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