Israel holds conservative rabbi for celebrating unorthodox marriages – Israel News


Israeli police arrested on Thursday for questioning a conservative rabbi who presided over non-Orthodox marriages.

Rabbi Dov Haiyun of the Moriah Congregation in Haifa stated that he was awoken by police officers knocking on his door without warning at 5.30 pm. "Unfortunately, the nice young police serve as tools for the ayatollahs in Israel," he said. He signed a statement saying he would return Monday, he said.

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While he was at the police station, Haiyun wrote a post Facebook stating that "Iran is already here !!!" and urging people to share the position.

Police said Haiyun was invited for an interrogation on Wednesday and that he had failed to arrive, prompting investigators to arrive home.

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The rabbi was allegedly interrogated on a law establishing a two-year prison sentence for those who did not register their marriage with the chief rabbinate.

Yizhar Hess, executive director of the conservative movement in Israel, criticized the interrogation as "an outrage that shows how much the rabbinical court is drunk with power".

The reformist movement in Israel demanded that the Attorney General put an end to the "shameful" investigation.

The survey is another sign of the belligerency displayed by the Israeli rabbinate – backed by elements of the government – toward conservative and reformist Judaism, the Reform Movement said. He added that this aggressive behavior will not discourage him: in the end, he will lead the orthodox monopoly to collapse, said the Reform Movement.

Uri Regev, a lawyer and rabbi who heads the movement for religious freedom and equality Hiddush, representing Haiyun, said that he would vigorously protest to the Attorney General and the police itself on how the forces of order are made available to the rabbinate in its struggle against religious freedom and freedom of conscience in Israel.

Uri Keidar, executive director of Israel Hofsheet ("Be Free Israel"), said: "Every year, tens of thousands of Israelis marry outside the rabbinate, voting a motion of censure against this corrupt institution, which exists only through cowardice, politicians are afraid to show leadership and allow civil marriage in Israel, "Keidar said. "The only option is to immediately create a law on civil marriage, we have no more time for circumvention, a bill allowing civil marriage will be presented to the Knesset at the very beginning of the session. winter, says the rabbinate.

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