Israel is preparing to decriminalize marijuana


As more and more countries begin to pursue more liberal drug policies, it seems like Israel is going to make a big step forward in cannabis reform.

Israeli lawmakers are preparing to decriminalize marijuana in the near future. Under the current proposal, people caught with marijuana would pay a fine of 1000 NIS (about $ 250 in the United States), a second offense would result in a 2000 NIS fine, and a third offense would result in another negotiated fine and community service. . . The new law will be in place for three years to be studied and then the government will determine if it is a successful policy or if it should change it.

Israeli Minister of Security, Gilad Erdan, spoke out in favor of the law. "hopes and believes that the law will prevent unnecessary criminalization of civilians, while minimizing the use of cannabis, especially for our youth."

Israel is actually one of the pioneering countries when it comes to medical marijuana. The country is investing heavily in the research and development of medicinal cannabis, and last year it approved new measures to allow the export of the drug. However, they have also set up roadblocks such as restrictions on foreign investment in the industry and the country has not yet fully approved the export of cannabis.

Worldwide, Israel is ahead of cannabis in cannabis

(am / t JNS)

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