Israel orders stop of construction of Palestinian houses near Bethlehem


BETHLEHEM (Ma) – Israeli forces on Sunday ordered the construction of four houses belonging to newly renovated Palestinians in the Shushahla area of ​​al-Khader village in the occupied Bethlehem district of the city. south of the West Bank. According to local sources, many Israeli forces as well as several Israeli civilian administration personnel stormed the area and issued orders to suspend construction work to Palestinian residents of the four houses. Sources added that orders had been delivered under the pretext of being executed without the Israeli license difficult to obtain. Sources indicated that residents had been ordered to evacuate the area after 17:00. The Shushahla region is located in Zone C – over 60% of the West Bank is under the complete control of the Israeli army, where Israel refuses to allow construction by Palestinians. Israeli authorities refuse building permit applications in Area C, forcing communities to build illegally. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory has issued a report that the month of July recorded the largest number of Palestinian structures that Israel has demolished or seized (54) and civilians Palestinians displaced (97) in the occupied territories since January 2017.The report indicates that the cumulative number of structures targeted so far in 2018 (251) remained below the figure in the equivalent period of 2017 (286) . All demolitions carried out in July 2018 took place under the pretext of lack of building permits.
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