Israel Reduction Bill blocks Knesset state schools


A bill preventing leftist activists who criticize Israel from being able to address students in the country's educational institutions pbades the first hurdle to become law

By: Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

The bill on silence was adopted Tuesday by the Committee on Education, Culture and Sport (7-5), which will allow him to run soon to the Knesset for his second and third readings

. this will prevent the entry into educational institutions "external elements acting against the aims of education and against the Israel Defense Forces."

His informal name comes from the name of one of the most extreme left-wing organizations, Breaking the Silence. Stories of anonymous Israeli soldiers that dirty the IDF and publish them around the world to the detriment of Israel.

During the committee's discussion, Dr. Amir Fuchs of Israel's Institute of Democracy criticized the bill by saying that it allowed to "close the debate and discuss". To prevent public discussion. There are organizations with which I absolutely do not agree, but I would prefer that a school principal invite organizations to conduct a public debate within the school.

Yael Paran (Zionist Union) went further. undemocratic process and a slippery slope "once politicians imply in who can and can not enter a school."

Paran added that his party unreservedly condemns any organization that disparages the military Israeli

The students of the Israeli education system are not and will not be the laboratory rats of Breaking the Silence and those who resemble them, "said Likud MK Amir Ochana

" We have heard testimonials from 39 students in which they said that what the people of Breaking the Silence had to say to them just before enlisting in the IDF was that it would not be used in an army of kalgasim (derogatory term for the soldiers) , or at least not doing significant service. We will put an end to such absurdity. "

MK Meir Cohen of Yesh Atid, who sponsored the bill with the Home Jewish party, praised the endorsement for which he voted." Education at the National Service is the only way to do this. one of the cornerstones of the Israeli education system, "he explained." The one who undermines this will do so outside the confines of the schools, outside the system. "

The bill will be introduced Monday at the Knesset for his final readings

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