Israel sponsors a booth at the Berlin Pride Parade; LGBT activists: this is the pinkwashing – Israel News


Members of Israel's LGBT community took up arms Sunday at a booth sponsored by the Foreign Ministry at the Gay Pride Parade in Berlin. The booth distributed flags of gay pride with a star of David in the center, and invited participants to visit Israel.

The exhibition came a few days after the LGBT community in Israel protested across the country against discrimination, which followed the government that shelved an amendment that would have allowed homobaduals to get away from it. to be surrogate parents.

>> Opinion: Why LGBT protest in Israel soars, while other liberal causes crush

The LGBT task force described the ministry's decision to sponsor the booth as an act of cynicism, saying that while the Knesset enacts laws insulting LGBT people, it simultaneously introduces Israel to the world as liberal and open.

"Hypocrisy knows no bounds," said Ohad Hizki, director of the LGBT Task Force. "On the one hand, the government takes away the fundamental rights to family and parenthood of the LGBT community, and on the other, it markets the state as an LGBT tourist destination. Instead of working for the equal rights of LGBT citizens in Israel, they are courting members of the LGBT community abroad. The time has come to apply in Hebrew what the state says so well in English, German and French, "Hizki said.

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Yair Hochner, who until recently was the director of the LGBT film festival in Tel Aviv, took part in the parade in Berlin. "It annoys me so much to see how the week after the mbad demonstration in Rabin Square, the Foreign Ministry is promoting the next Tel Aviv parade on big screens on the central stage. promote a program of economic tourism and false propaganda as if everything were good for the LGBT community in Israel, "he said.

Hochner added that as long as LGBT people do not have all the rights in Israel, he will not organize Israeli LGBT film programs for overseas festivals funded by the ministry. Foreign Affairs.

Netta Barzilai, winner of the Eurovision song contest this year, canceled her scheduled appearance at the Berlin fashion show because of the weather, officials said. Instead, she appeared in a city club that is popular among the LGBT community.

Some 80,000 homobadual and heterobadual people last week participated in a rally at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to protest against discrimination against the LGBT community. The rally was held one day after the protests and a national strike organized by the LGBT Working Group in light of the Knesset's decision to vote against an amendment to the surrogacy law that would allow gay fathers to become gay and bad. parents by a surrogate mother.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted against the amendment proposed by his party colleague, MP Amir Ohana, although a few days ago he had told Ohana that he would support him and would try to get it adopted before the summer holidays of the Knesset. A statement that came out at the time of the vote declared that Netanyahu would support the amendment "later".

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