Israel strikes Gaza as Palestinians fire mortar shells – Israel News


The Israeli army said it attacked Palestinians on Thursday, firing incendiary bullets against Israel. A statement said the strike had taken place near a Hamas stance in the southern Gaza Strip near the border with Israel.

One person was killed and three others wounded, Gaza's health ministry reported.

The army confirmed that there were two mortar shells fired near the border. No casualties or injuries have been reported. The rocket alarm sirens rang shortly after the mortar fire.

The army stated that it would continue to act intensively against Hamas terrorist activity and with respect to any serious activity.

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The incident comes just days after a group representing all those responsible for launching Gaza's airborne firebombs promised to continue operations against Israel.

"We hereby declare that our non-violent actions will continue and even more intensely, until we meet the demands of the Palestinian people to lift the blockade," the group said in a written statement. .

The incendiary balloon and the kites "point out that the pace of kite and balloon expeditions will intensify with the blockade".

There were reports on Tuesday that Hamas and Islamic Jihad continued their contacts with Egyptian intelligence in an effort to achieve a relaxation of the Gaza blockade of Israel and Egypt.
Egyptian and Palestinian sources said Tuesday in Ha'aretz that Hamas was inclined to accept an agreement calling for a halt to the launch of incendiary devices in exchange for Israel's cancellation of its decision to halt In-band fuel deliveries by Kerem Shalom. border crossing, until Sunday.

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