Israel will ease restrictions on the possession of weapons by settlers


By Abdul Raouf Arnaout


The Israeli government intends to facilitate the acquisition of firearms by Israeli settlers, reported Monday the Israeli daily Haaretz [19659004]. The proposed amendments would apply in particular to settlers living near the West Bank separation wall in Israel, which winds through the occupied West Bank.

About 145,000 Israelis currently hold firearms licenses, not counting soldiers and policemen, according to Haaretz.

The newspaper quoted Amir Ohana, a member of the Knesset (Israeli parliament) for the right … According to the party of the left wing of Likud, armed citizens can support the Israeli security forces against what 39, describing it as "terrorist incidents".

According to the Ramallah-based Palestinian government, at least 100 armed attacks against Palestinians and their property. – by Israeli forces and / or Jewish settlers – were recorded throughout the occupied West Bank during last year's harvest season, including numerous attacks on farmers and olive groves.

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